Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,12

a chance to take a single breath, I’m lifted back up and pinned against my car with his hand around my throat. Now, I’m facing the man. He’s wearing a bracelet with a small shark tooth.

But that’s all I can see. His back is lit up with the single light in the parking lot, silhouetting his body. I can see that he’s big, and I can see the bracelet on the arm, taking away my air.

“This will be your only warning, Dove. Next time, I’ll keep my promise and take you away.”

The man pulls something from his pocket. It’s only when it reaches my face that I see a knife. I double my efforts to escape, but it’s useless.

“Hold still, Dove. You wouldn’t want this to be any worse than it’s already going to be.”

He places the tip of the knife just below my eye and pushes. Before I can scream loud enough, the man pushes his body against mine and places his other hand over my mouth.

The pain is the worst I have ever felt as he slides the blade down the right side of my face.

“Remember this the next time you disobey me, Dove,” the man says against my ear. “I have so many other punishments in mind that will make this one feel like a papercut.”

I’m dropped to the ground, and within moments, I’m alone.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, crying. I’m not sure how I got in my car and drove myself home. But, before I know it, I’m lying in the middle of my kitchen floor, pleading for help.

Help that I know isn’t coming.

Because I’m alone.

My heart reaches out for that someone special to guard me. To protect me. To help me.

Silence is its only answer.

Chapter Nine


“What the fuck, Trigger?” Brick says, holding his bleeding nose. “This was supposed to be a friendly game of punch the punching bag. When the hell did it turn into punch your friend in the face.”

I don’t fucking know. I’m pissed. Everything is pissing me off today.

“You didn’t hold the bag tight enough,” I tell him. It’s his own damn fault.

“So, you punch me in the fucking face?”

I grab the towel and throw it at him.

Big baby.

“You’ll live,” I say before leaving the room.

I need to get out of here.

“Hey, Trig, you got a minute?” Prez asks from his office.

No, I don’t have a minute. I need to leave now. But I owe the man my life, so I go to his office.

“Ink and Bella spent the day with your girl, yesterday,” he says.

“Not my girl,” I say.

She’s too pure. Her light shines too bright to be my girl.

“Mmm-hmm. Anyway, Ink said that she seemed fine and nothing else happened. They went to check on her today, but the store was closed. A sign said that they’re only open Monday through Thursday.”

“You’re telling me this, why?” I ask.

“Figured you’d want to know. You’re the only one who knows where she lives. Maybe give Ink or Chains the address, and they can go check on her. You know, just in case.”

Like hell, I will. Chains may be tied down, but Ink only thinks with his dick.

“Go Trig,” Bear says, chuckling. “Follow your heart, man. Or your gut.”

I need to clear my head. I need to talk to someone. So, I do what I always do when silence isn’t working. I go to the only person who I’ve ever confided in.


“From what I understand, you just need to do what you’ve been telling yourself to do from the start. Follow your gut.”

I’m silent as I take in the wise woman’s words. Sounding so much like her son.

“Honey, trust yourself to know that you’re doing the right thing.”

“Do you think that it’s the right thing?” I ask. “Pursuing this woman? I’m a dark person, Ma. She shines with so much light, and I’m afraid that I’m going to destroy that.”

Ma sighs.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit, honey. You have more love and passion in your pinky than some people do in their whole body. If you give yourself a chance, maybe you’ll find the light you’ve been looking for to alleviate some of the darkness. I have no doubt, none at all, that if you take that step, you’ll never regret it.”

“It’s not just that, Ma,” I admit. “I have this desire that she may not share. I’m afraid that the moment I tell her, she’s going to run in the opposite direction.”

Ma smirks. “I know what desire you’re talking Copyright 2016 - 2024