Tricked Steel (Steel Crew #5) - M.J. Fields Page 0,6

… me. But I’m going to make sure she does, and I’m going to make sure she likes what she sees.

Stopping before I pull out onto the road, I reach for my phone to send a text to my parents and realize it’s not there.

“Fuck!” I snarl.

“Bad coffee?” Amias laughs.

“Phone’s not here. I think I left it—”

“Bro, your hook-up has your phone?”

“Fuuuuck,” I growl as I peel out and onto the road.

With Amias and Max buzzing as they feed their faces in the Jeep, gushing about the pumpkin spiced coffee and the burrito that taste like Thanksgiving, I hike it down the quarter mile service road on Seashore Academy property, a private school the Crew and I will begin attending after break. I’m hoping like hell I don’t get busted by the campus cop walking around outside, or the RA in MacArthur Hall, the all-girls dorms, and maybe somehow, someone will be coming in late, and I can slip in. Chances of that happening on a holiday, with only a couple handful of its residents having stayed back over break, are one in a fucking million.

Standing on the ground, looking two stories up at the only lit window, hoping like hell I’m beneath the right one, I throw a pebble at the window and wait.

I’m going to get busted. Best-case scenario, I’ll get detention before I even begin school here, followed by the possibility of getting suspended, and finally, the great possibility I will get arrested for trespassing.

All for a piece of ass.

A one and done.

A hot as hell one and done.

The one before the one who’s gonna fuck you up.

Christ, I think as I pick up another pebble and toss it at the window, disgusted with myself. Straight-up, I’m not a fool. I know the difference between catching feels and wanting to nut. I don’t fall in love with anything that doesn’t have string, and I don’t promise anyone more but a mutually beneficial and hot as fuck exchange of orgasms. That’s right; not sex, orgasms.

At our last school, I had a regular for about six months, Kenzie. Kenzie and I did the dating thing before the fucking thing. She got pissed when I didn’t tell her that I loved her after we fucked. I tried to explain that I didn’t say it before, what would make her think I would after. She acted like she understood. Clearly, she didn’t, because she got even more pissed when I told her the truth—that she was my favorite unrelated female.

She became insanely jealous of my cousins, and I started distancing shit. Then she tried to start some rumors about Truth and me. Said shit about me liking cousins, specifically ones with fat asses more than her perfect one.

I knew damn well she was talking about my cousin Truth, the most body sensitive of all the girls, especially about her ass, due to her dancing and the way those bitches can be so ruthless and brutal. They distorted the fuck out of a girl’s body image. Truth had some extra junk in her trunk, but she wasn’t fat, for fuck’s sake.

Truth never heard the rumor; her brother, Justice, and I made sure it was crushed. When I confronted Kenzie, she didn’t deny it, and I was done.

I was already fucking done.

Before we moved, I slept with her best friend, and no, it wasn’t a revenge fuck, not on my part anyway. But Annie made sure word spread. That pissed me off, too, for a hot minute. However, Annie told me she was sick of Kenzie’s superiority complex, the way she thinks she’s better than anyone else because she fucked me, get this, “the most.”

Did I feel used? No. Fuck no. But I easily could have.

Tossing another stone, I see lights reflecting off the windows to the far left and grab a fistful and toss them.

When the window opens and the blonde looks out, I whisper, even though I’m not sure she can even hear me, “My phone.”

“Go around back. I’ll meet you.”

When I’m about to ask her to just toss it down, I hear a car door slam.

She motions to the tree line and gestures for me to get out of the light. I do just that.

I wait until she gives me the all-clear then head in the direction to the back entrance.

Chapter 3

“I got whistled at once and my mom

told me not to respond.

‘You’re a lady not a dog’.”

~ Author Unknown


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