Trial by Fae (Dragon's Gift The Dark Fae #1) - Linsey Hall Page 0,49

me forward. My lungs heaved as I ran for it, leaping over raised roots that had broken through the surface of the ground.

Cool air enveloped me as I sprinted into the darkness. A few feet later, fairy lights flared to life, illuminating the interior. Huge roots shot through the dirt around me, and the tunnel widened as I went deeper.

Footsteps sounded from behind me, and I turned back to see Tarron. He sprinted after me, green eyes intense.

I ran forward, putting on as much speed as I could. I didn’t know exactly what I was running toward, but I knew I was close to the end. I could feel it in the air. A tension. An expectancy. The prize was within this tree, and damned if I wasn’t going to get it.

I’d have to beat Tarron, though, because clearly, he was after it too.

I know it.

A few seconds later, I entered an enormous cavern beneath the earth. It sparkled blue and bright, and I realized that it was gemstones stuck within the ground that gave it the sparkling color. Emeralds and sapphires, just blanketing the earth.


I skidded to halt, taking in my surroundings. Right in the middle of the space was a pedestal made of beautiful white stone. A simple carved stone ball sat on top of it, sparking with magic.

The prize.

No question.

Tarron’s footsteps thundered behind me. He was almost to me.

I raced forward, careful to try to sense the type of magic that I was approaching. It filled the air, thick and intense. It felt almost like breathing in hot lavender tea, and I slowed my steps. I needed to beat Tarron to the prize, but I didn’t need to end up dead because I’d missed something important.

I breathed shallowly, carefully avoiding the gemstones studded in the ground as I approached the pedestal. As I neared it, the air thickened even more.

Spirits drifted up from the gems, ghostlike figures that crowded around me. They glowed green and blue, their features indistinct. In a way, they reminded me of Agatha.

They reached toward me with spectral hands, and I stopped.

The energy drifting from them wasn’t dark. It pricked fiercely against my skin, but not in a bad way. In a protective way.

This was a protection charm, not unlike the ones I’d installed underneath my house to protect the Well of Power.

I stilled, letting them get a feel for me. I imagined my intentions, trying to send the message that I meant no ill will. I will do no harm with the prize. I will use it for good.

A faint tinge of grief hit me that I might not be able to use it to figure out what my true second species was. Apparently, that was more important to me than I’d let myself believe. All these years I’d repressed the desire, and something about visiting the Fae realm made it rise up in me.

But there were bigger things at risk here. Like the fate of the Fae realm. I needed this prize to help them.

The ghosts around me seemed to vibrate as they absorbed the information and processed it. I tried to get a feel for where Tarron and Luna were, but I couldn’t. The ghosts surrounded me too closely.

Finally, they withdrew their hands. I gasped, sagging in relief, then hurried forward. Tension tightened my muscles as I caught sight of the prize, still sitting on the pedestal. It glowed bright and promising, a perfect sphere imbued with incredible magic.

I stopped in front of it, then hovered my hand over the top.

No protective magic prickled. I got no sense of any danger at all, in fact.

I picked it up, grinning at the weight of it in my palm, then turned.

Tarron grabbed me, his arms going around my waist. For the briefest second, a connection flared between us.

I liked his arms around me. I couldn’t help it.

Fated mates.

It didn’t matter. We were enemies.

“No!” I thrashed and struggled, trying to break free. I managed to twist around until my back was to his chest, but he yanked me tighter to him.


I kicked back, trying to hit his knee, but I missed. Panicked, I sliced my finger with my thumbnail, letting the blood well. I imagined new magic, and power that would allow me to—

Luna appeared as if out of nowhere, her blue hair shining. She grabbed the prize and yanked it away from me.

I expected Tarron to release me and go for her, but he didn’t. I lunged toward the prize, but he Copyright 2016 - 2024