Trey - Shandi Boyes Page 0,93

her choice. The size of her tattoo, its placement, and its design were purely her decision. As was the tiny diamond stud hidden by the tender folds of her pussy.

Jarmon wasn’t given the pleasure of piercing K. She wanted me to do that. In all honesty, I was opposed to the idea at first. I didn’t want to hurt her any more than she’d already been hurt. It was only while recalling the reason for my many tattoos and piercings did I change my mind.

K doesn’t look at herself and see beauty. She sees scars and irreversible damage.

Her piercing didn’t make her feel more beautiful, but it brought her out of her shell and broke away the ugliness she thought she was shrouded in so she could commence her metamorphosis.

I doubt she’ll ever peer at her reflection and understand how truly beautiful she is, but I’m hopeful one day she will believe she’s worthy.

Annoyed an insolent man is keeping me from stepping K closer to that day, I pierce the tip of my blade into the shriveled skin around Lester’s cock. He’s uncircumcised, or should I say was uncircumcised. He’s not anymore.

“This is your last chance, Lester. My woman is waiting for me. Her time is precious, so I suggest you stop acting as if it isn’t. Where. Is. Zoran?” I space out my last three words to ensure he knows his balls are next on my hit list.

“P-P-Puerto Rico,” he stutters out, his words pushed through a howl from my blade jabbing his walnut-size nut.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”

“P-Puerto Rico,” he repeats, louder this time. “He’s at a vacation home in the name of his old mistress. I can get you the details. I have them stored in my phone.”

When I click my fingers two times, Eight magically appears out of nowhere. He’s good like that. He is always at my side watching my back as I do K’s. Excluding Nikolai, he’s the only man I trust with her, and even then, he is wary about what he does and says around her.

“Where, exactly?” I ask after scanning Lester’s blood-stained face with the facial recognition software on his phone.

When I enter the contact app, I automatically scroll to the very bottom, seeking the Zs. My thumb stops mid-scroll when Lester answers my question. “It’s under the 1s.” His panicked eyes dart between mine when he confesses. “I store my clients’ details in my phone under the docket numbers of their purchases. Janice’s was 12573. I remember hers as it was only one digit different from my favorite mistress’ number.”

I’m not the only one who balks at his blubbered comment.

I felt K’s ripples from here.

Her sales docket number was one number away from Janice’s as well. It was the number I used to free her from captivity, and the date cited on her mother’s headstone. India was such a sick bitch, she suggested for Achim to use K’s mother’s date of birth as her sale document number. She hated how her family’s wealth and stature couldn’t weaken Achim’s obsession with K, so she made K’s life as miserable as possible.

Even with K being the help, Achim wanted her on sight and was willing to do anything to have her. He didn’t count on a Corbyn man stealing his ultimate prize. I was supposed to bed his wife-to-be, not the jewel of his eye.

Knowing K gave her virginity to me willingly gutted Achim more than India nursing my brother back to health so they could plot their own takeover bid on the Novaks. That’s what got Cole killed. Achim had spies in many places. India’s chambermaids were only one of them.

Although no bones have been found, rumors are India was killed by Achim not long after she suggested he gift K to Vladimir. She may have been a more royal version of K, but no amount of glitz can replicate the fight in K’s eyes. When Achim finally learned that, he supposedly strangled India like he did K nine months ago.

He just failed to resuscitate her.

I’ve never been a man to believe rumors. I’ve seen firsthand how the dead resurrect when least expected, so although my hunt for India has ceased, my watch will never end. If she resurfaces, I’ll take her down just as quickly as I have every other person who has caused K harm. It’ll make me a monster, but since it will also ensure I keep my promise to K while coercing her out of Copyright 2016 - 2024