Trey - Shandi Boyes Page 0,76

take girls to your room.”

He’s right, but my head is too mixed up to admit that right now. “A change-up never hurt anyone, August. Sometimes that’s what life is about. The occasional tiptoe out of the dark.”

When he gets up in my business again, Mikhail tells him to stand down before I get the chance to remind him a car accident didn’t lose me the use of my fists. I like Eight, but he’s getting on my last nerve tonight. He’s been weird since the day I woke up four weeks ago.

“Time to cut back on the drugs, E. They’re fucking with your head.”

I swear he grumbles, “Not as much as Mikhail is messing with yours,” when I scoot past him, but I can’t be sure. My heart is thumping out too much of a funky tune from me shortening Eight’s nickname to one letter for me to hear anything. I can barely hear anything over the thud of my pulse in my ears.

I wiggle my index finger in my ear to free it from my heart’s echo before stopping in front of Saige. “Wanna get out of here?” Ignoring the clench of my jaw from my words coming out with a lisp, I nudge my head to the corridor my room is located down to ensure she knows what I’m referencing. I am not taking her for a steak.

My cock gives out a half-hearted twitch when she eagerly nods. She’s got everything I usually go for. Curvy hips, plenty of ass and tits, and my favorable blue-eyed, blonde-hair combination, but she still seems a little assertive. Overbearing even.

“Nuh-uh,” I growl out on a groan when my assistance to help her out of the jacuzzi sees her legs wrapping around my waist and her lips arrowing toward mine. “If you want to kiss, you can save them for my cock.”

I push her away from me via a hand to her face before spinning on my heels and stomping toward my room, acting ignorant to the limp my car accident caused.

Saige follows like a motherfucking lap dog. Her eagerness would usually please me. Today, it’s just pissing me off.

“Go wash off the jacuzzi water,” I demand, nudging my head to the bathroom attached to my room. “The chlorine on your skin is burning my nose hairs.”

Her nasally voice screeches my eardrums when she says, “There’s no towel.”

“You don’t need a towel, do ya?”

I nearly roll my eyes like a punk-ass when she smiles. “I guess not. They’re only needed for people wanting to dry off. I don’t want to be dry. I like being wet.”

When she switches on the shower faucet, my hand rockets up to cradle my skull. It’s not throbbing through one of the many migraines I’ve faced the past four weeks, it is struggling through a flashback. I’m standing in the middle of my room, but I swear droplets of rain are gliding down my cheeks.

When you think about an unexpected downpour, it usually arrives with a calming, natural smell. That isn’t the case this time around. My room reeks of pig shit… and perhaps a touch of mint.

I’m drawn from the oddity by Saige stopping to stand in front of me. She’s drenching wet and butt-naked. “Are you okay? Do you want me to get Dok?” The genuine concern in her tone frustrates me more than I can explain. She doesn’t know me, so she has no right to act as if she cares about me.

“I’m fine. Get on the bed.”

Her pussy and ass are shoved into my peripheral vision when she climbs onto my mattress, not the least bit confronted by my snapped tone. “How do you want me? Like this…” She shakes her ass, hopeful it will see some action tonight. “… or like this.” She rolls over and spreads her legs wide, fully exposing herself. Even though she’s just showered, I’m confident the sheen between her pussy lips isn’t water. Her cunt is salivating for me.

I can’t say my cock is having the same reaction for her. He’s down for the count. Passed the fuck out as I would have been if I had accepted Mikhail’s many offers for a line of coke earlier tonight. Usually, I’d take up his offer in an instant. I wasn’t interested tonight. Don’t ask me why. I’m beginning to wonder if it was more than a couple of days of memories I lost.

After clamping Saige’s knees together like the sight of her puffy cunt makes me sick, I Copyright 2016 - 2024