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am beneath my jeans. Even with my cock’s length being held back by an industrial-tough zipper, there’s no denying my girth. “But since I won’t touch you again until you say so, I’m not going to fuck you.” You have no idea how hard it is to articulate my next sentence when my fucked-up head has me believing the flare darting through her eyes is disappointment. “Instead, I’m going to kiss you. Alright, Duchess? Just a kiss. I’ll stop at that. I swear to you, I will.”

She shouldn’t believe me. Hell, I don’t even believe me, but for some ludicrous reason, she does. With her eyes locked on mine and her nostrils flaring, she faintly bobs her chin, permitting me to kiss her.

“I can’t be gentle, K. I don’t know how to be gentle.” Even though I’m trying to talk her out of it, my fingers weave through her hair that’s in bad need of a brush before I steer my mouth toward hers. “But I can try and be gentle for you. I’ll treat you like a real motherfucking princess if that’s what you want.” I brush my lips against her, uncaring if her teeth haven’t been brushed for as long as her hair. That’s how fucking bad I want her. “Open up for me, Duchess. Show me you want this, too.”

Any worries about unhygienic conditions fly out the window when she pops open her mouth at my request. She consumed almost two bread rolls on her way here, however, nothing but minty freshness awakens my senses when I suck in her hearty exhales, hoping the coolness of her breaths will lower my unhealthy body temperature. The seductive scent of her mouth has me so eager to join our lips, I drag my tongue along the roof of her mouth long before I taste the sweetness of her lips.

“Fuck me, Duchess. From the moment I saw you, I knew you’d destroy me.”

She doesn’t get the chance to respond. I’m on her in an instant. With one hand in her hair, and other on her waist, I pin her to the side wall of the pigsty with my crotch before kissing the living hell out of her.

For how shy she is, I figured her lips would remain as still as her mouth when she refuses to talk. I’m pleased as fuck to announce that isn’t close to the truth. Not only does she kiss me back, she leads our embrace like only one woman in my life has previously. She’s bruised, cut up, and marks cover almost every inch of her, but she kisses like she can’t see the chaos surrounding her. Like she’s perfectly stable. Beautiful and without scars.

The knowledge of her strength has me fighting for the top spot. I bite her lip harder than necessary, needing her whimpers to cool the fire roaring in my gut. If I don’t simper the temptation burning me alive, I’ll fuck her where she stands, heartless to the fact she’s already been used and abused multiple times in her pathetically short life. Then I’ll fuck her again just to ensure she knows she’ll never be touched by another man who isn’t me.

After dragging my beard-covered chin across her cheek, I press my lips to her ear. “Do you know what this means, Duchess? Do you have any clue what you’ve just given me?” I relish the pounding of her pulse in her ears for several long seconds before growling out, “This makes you mine.”

When her heart thumps faster during my confession, the darkness inside me roars. My hand is under the shirt she’s wearing as a dress in an instant, her scent causing my undoing. Her cunt smells delicious, and it has me completely forgetting my earlier pledge that I won’t touch her until she asks me. I need the wetness of her arousal coating my fingers more urgently than my lungs require their next breath.

An urge to piss on Vladimir’s ashes overwhelms me when I notch half an index finger inside of K. Her body isn’t the only thing messed up. Her insides are just as messy. Vladimir and his men fucked her over so good, no amount of tenderness will reverse their damage.

The thought of what the sick fucks put her through should have me immediately backing away. It’s a pity for K I’ve always had a fascination for the broken ones. They’re the fighters. The battlers. The women worthy of a crown. They trudged through the ashes of Copyright 2016 - 2024