Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,97

burst out laughing.

“It’s fine, but my palm is itching again.”

“You know you should get that looked at…I bet they have a cream that could help,” I said before taking a sip of my tea and then winking at him over the rim of my cup. He lowered the paper he had started reading, in Hebrew of course, and replied with,

“Duct tape could also help, now eat your lunch before I make enquiries on where to get some.” At this my lips twitched as I fought a smile at our banter, knowing just how much I had missed it. After this I took his advice and piled a plate up, making sure to get a good amount of that cheese I liked.

It also helped me relax more because we hadn’t just sat down and started discussing the giant anvil sized question mark hanging over our heads. This was until my belly was full and I couldn’t stand it any longer.

“So, I take it you didn’t just decided to pick Jerusalem as your next holiday destination and just happened to find me when sightseeing at the museum did you?”

“Unlike a nerdy little beauty I know, I don’t usually step off a plane and travel directly to the first museum I can find,” he told me making me tempted to ask why he did then, only I wasn’t brave enough.

“That’s a shame, there are plenty of treasures to be found at them,” I teased to which he lowered the paper, stole my gaze, and said,

“I believe I found the only treasure I was looking for, now let’s talk about the part where I am keeping her.” After this, and I swear it was a good job I hadn’t been trying to swallow food as I think I would have choked!

“Lucius I…” I stumbled on my words as I didn’t know what to say to that. But in the end, it didn’t matter as it turned out that Lucius had plenty to say about it.

“Alright, so before we get to the root of why you ran from me, I want you to first ask yourself an important question, setting aside those doubts of yours that are obviously flooding your mind.” I cleared my throat first, and forced out,

“Which is?”

“Why would I be here now if I was in love with another and why am I not trying to get you back to Afterlife if I was doing it solely for that mistaken love?” I swallowed hard and felt that weight in my chest that you do when facing difficult questions.

“If I am honest, I have been asking myself the very same thing since you showed up and told me that you’re not taking me back to Afterlife.” At this he looked pleased, making me state,

“I am not unreasonable enough not to ask myself obvious questions, despite what I saw that day.”

“What you think you saw,” he quickly corrected.

“There are very few ways to interpret what I saw and heard Lucius, you must know that?” I told him making him release a frustrated sigh.

“I get that, but you must also know that you’re not the only one who feels betrayed here.” At this I jerked back in my seat, one I shifted further away from his and said,

“You’re joking right?!”

“Do me a favour, Amelia, and just for one fucking second put yourself in my position.”

“I’d rather not,” I snapped folding my arms and looking away from him. Yet he continued on as if I hadn’t.

“Say I was the one who saw an innocent moment of comfort you accepted from a friend, only the way it looked was much more than what it was. Say I was the one to listen to a conversation between you and this friend that sounded like some forbidden love being confessed, when in fact, every single word that was said with me in your mind?”

“I think you can stop talking now,” I said hating where this was going…destination guilt trip that’s where!

“No! You are going to fucking listen to me, like you should have done the second you stepped out from behind that staircase!” he snapped getting angry, rising from his chair, and then making me do the same. So, I backed away as he started to stalk towards me.

“Every word that was said between me and Keira was about you! About the love that both you and your fucking mother spent all your time convincing me to keep quiet about, when it went against everything inside me to do Copyright 2016 - 2024