Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,90

closer over the table and hissed,

“That was mean.” He laughed and said,

“No, what was mean was calling me when I couldn’t get to you and making me miss the opportunity to see you drunk again.”

“So, what is this, your hope at take two?” I asked in a testing tone.

“I am not sure you could handle it again, sweetheart.” I snorted a disbelieving laugh at this, which granted wasn’t the most lady like sound I had in my arsenal, but still.

“I know what you are doing.” I told him making him shrug his shoulders and say,

“And what would that be?”

“You’re goading me into trying to prove how much I can drink so you can get me drunk.” Just then our drinks turned up and once alone again he challenged,

“Does this mean I should call him back and order you a water?” I narrowed my eyes at him, picked up my cocktail and said,

“Challenge accepted, Vampire.” Then I pulled out the straw, dumped it on the table and took a long drink the old-fashioned way. This made him smirk, before he tipped the neck of his bottle towards me then took a long swig himself.

And with that one look alone in his eyes, making them flash amber for a mere second I knew…

I was in trouble.

Chapter 23

Water Fights and Medals

The moment I woke up, I found myself asking my brain if it remembered why I felt like I had made a lot of foolish mistakes last night? And if it could possibly have anything to do with the consumption of lots and lots of alcohol, seeing as it felt like my head had been used as someone’s drum last night. Okay, so granted this was a lot of questions for my poor brain to handle, which was why I closed my eyes again, rolled over and pulled the covers over my head with a groan. But then I felt and heard something I knew I really shouldn’t have and that’s precisely when all my bad mistakes started to crash into me. Starting with the chuckled laughter and shaking of the body next to me.

“Please brain, tell me I am only dreaming again?” I muttered making him say,

“I must say it’s nice to know that dreaming of me in your bed is a regular occurrence.” I groaned before muttering,

“Who said it is?” This was said with the covers still over my head.

“You said the word again.” I closed my eyes tighter and hissed a,

“Damn it.” Naturally, this was Lucius I had woken up next to, so he laughed again. Then he whipped the covers from my head, making me complain with a moan, and not of the ‘making me feel good’ variety.

“Good morning,” he said in a way that sounded far too awake for him to have woken when I had. Hence why I complained,

“Gods, but how can you sound so awake this early in the morning.”

“Because it’s actually the afternoon and you snore when drunk…that, my little Khuba, is why.” I continued to keep my eyes closed, rolled away from him, and said,

“Okay, you can stop talking now.” Again, this amused him. Then I felt him shift his body closer, as he draped an arm around me from behind, pulling me back against his chest…his very naked, hard chest.

“I find it cute,” he hummed behind me, making me warn,

“Lucius, stop talking.” Of course, he ignored me and leaned down to whisper in my ear this time,

“And endearing.”

“Lucius, I said stop talking,” I warned yet again.

“And also, even a little sexy,” he teased making me turn quickly in his arms, so I could slap his big bicep and say,

“I thought I told you…omg you’re completely naked!” I shouted the second I saw the tangled sheet reveal as much. The sight making me react totally irrationally considering our history as I started to scramble backwards. But seeing as this was me, I misjudged the fact we were completely on my side, which meant I fell out of bed with an umpf. Then, after the chuckling had stopped, his head popped over the side and he said in a cocky tone,

“I believe we have been here before.” I threw an arm over my face and grumbled,

“Great, does that mean I am allowed to slap you again?”

“Mmm, well, seeing as I know where it ends…most definitely,” he purred making me groan, even though my cheeks were going red under the cover of my arm.

“Although, I do remember you wearing significantly less clothes at the time,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024