Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,84

archway. There were also two huge buildings that framed either side of the impressive entrance which I assumed were the accommodation wings.

Lucius opened the door for me, and I walked inside to find a lobby showcasing the same pale stone as on the outside. This was combined with pale marble floors to match. Two comfy looking seating areas framed both sides of the open centre space, one that led to the reception.

Lucius took my hand once more and walked us both through the lobby, going first to the receptionist and when her eyes widened, I could understand why. Damn sexy Vamp!

“Mr Septimus, welcome back, they have just finished adding the new luggage to your suite.” He nodded and said,

“Very good, any messages?” She checked on the system and said,

“Just one, a call from a Mr Draven.” I tensed at the sound of my father’s name and Lucius’ hand tightened on mine before he looked down at me, turning his head to the side slightly, before whispering,

“Easy, sweetheart.” I took a breath and ignored the way he watched me as I swallowed down the hard lump.

“Can you make us reservations for dinner tonight at the Cheese and Wine, he asked, making me want to ask what he thought he was doing. Instead I told him firmly,

“I can’t have dinner with you.” Then I lifted my sunglasses to the top of my head so I could show him how serious I was when making that statement.

“Why not?” he asked, and the receptionist slipped up and also inquired,

“Yes, why not?” I shot her a look, at which she rolled her lips inwards before mouthing a silent ‘sorry’. I gave her a nod before turning back to Lucius.

“The deal was that I let you drag me here for a drink or lunch at the most, but not dinner.” The woman behind the desk looked at Lucius as if asking herself why this man would have needed to drag any woman anywhere. And maybe questioning why they weren’t all lined up around the block or something, this at the very whisper of a mention that he was looking for a date.

“It is too late for lunch,” Lucius told me, and the receptionist opened her mouth about to correct him, when he gave her a pointed look, which in turn made her look to me and quickly say,

“He’s right…so I will just ring them…any particular time?”

“Never o clock,” I answered.

“Eight o’clock,” Lucius replied, ignoring my made-up time which sounded a much better option. She nodded and walked to the phone off to the side, no doubt wanting to put distance between us. Something that became obvious, seeing as she wasn’t using the one that was right in front of her screen.

“Lucius, this was not…” I was stopped short the moment I felt his fingers under my chin, bringing my face up at the same time he lowered his before whispering,

“Trust me, sweet girl.”

I swallowed hard again wanting to point out that I most definitely did not trust him or his pushy ways. But the way he had said it was enough to steal any response I may have had or would’ve been brave enough to voice. I swear, that even my poor neglected clit had just swooned. Because as much as I hated to admit it, my two-month dry spell hadn’t only been linked to sex. For even my fingers seemed to have lost their appeal. This I put down to Lucius and just the thought of him being too painful to think about. Especially in that way. And well, seeing as he had featured in all of my sexual fantasies before he even became my boyfriend, then I was stuck with nothing else to work with.

Which meant that two months without even a single orgasm was enough to make a damn Disney princess cranky and ready to tell even the birds and talking mice to fuck off! But what I was currently discovering that made this even worse, was that I was now being forced to endure my very own walking, talking, smoking hot fantasy! And let’s just say that expecting my body not to turn into a traitorous bitch and betray me was like asking for it to snow tomorrow, and it was summer in Jerusalem!

I swear, I wouldn’t last the day without rubbing myself up against him like some damn cat in heat! Gods, but why the Hell had he turned up!?

It turned out that this internal musing ended up not just making Copyright 2016 - 2024