Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,65

behind her hand aimed at Dom who, as usual, didn’t look as though he had a clue how to deal with her.

“I hardly think just because she mentioned food, old people and dancing that it is enough to assume…” Dom started to say, until his wife interrupted him.

“Actually, I think she is right,” Keira said after looking deep in thought.

“Told you, it’s the oldies, it’s common knowledge,” Pip commented with a wink at me.

“Plus, why now, eh?” Pip asked,

“Why now, what?” I asked in irritation.

“Yeah, I mean there must have been a reason she felt safe enough to call you,” Keira pointed out, obviously agreeing with her friend.

“And safe enough to get blotto drunkalingalo…what, still no?” Pip said adding this last part when Adam cleared his throat and shook his head down at her, telling her silently to still keep her crazy at bay.

“I have to go,” I said quickly, making the four of them stop to look at me as I walked towards the door.


“Where do you think…to find out if you’re right?”

As expected, the moment I linked my mind with hers I felt little resistance unlike all the other times before. It reminded me of the past when I was free to plant dreams in her mind. Something at the time that had been easily achieved. Which was why, when I stepped into her Void, I wasn’t surprised to find I did so in the middle of a heavy dream she was having. This had been precisely what I had been hoping for, as when she woke, she would do so believing it was a dream she had created and nothing more.

As this time, I was here merely to observe, not make demands of her mind. I wasn’t forcing her to look around or access any memories. I was simply a spectator hoping that her dreams would feature where she was and what she had seen recently. Simply put, she would just think that she had dreamt of me by her own doing.

Because even though I wasn’t breaking my promise, I knew she wouldn’t have seen it that way. Besides, she had sounded tired and I didn’t want to do any more damage than I already had done. I wanted her to sleep and do so peacefully, something I knew she hadn’t been able to do since she started running.

That being said, I still had to know. I had to know if there was any truth to Pip’s theory. Because as much as I wanted to deny it even being possible, the fact remained that the idea of her taking a ship hadn’t even occurred to me, nor had it to anyone else. Which was why I foolishly hadn’t thought to have her passport flagged at any ports. Meaning that she had conquered her dislike of sailing just to get away.

Naturally, the thought didn’t sit well with me but then again, just because I hoped for something not to be true, it wouldn’t make it so. Which was why I felt as though I had no choice but to invade her mind once more and for what I knew would be the last time…for I would not reward her for trusting to call me by breaking my promise to her.

However, the moment that I stepped through the dark edges of her mind was when the room around me transformed into that of a small dance floor. It was one surrounded by empty tables and chairs…well, almost empty. As now it held only one occupant sat at a table facing the empty floor head on…


It was as if she was waiting for something and the moment the music started to play, I knew what. Seconds after this, an image emerged in the centre of the dance floor, a lone couple dancing who looked to be in their seventies. And Amelia had been right, the sight was a startlingly symbolic one.

I walked slowly towards her as she immersed herself in the sight of the couple, telling me that she was replaying parts of the evening. She even had the tall cocktail glass in front of her half consumed and the five empty glasses also there keeping count.

“I told you it was a beautiful sight,” she told me without taking her eyes off the two.

“That you did, my Khuba, that you did,” I told her, barely even acknowledging the sight, for I was too mesmerized by the sight of her. She was wearing a black lace, cocktail dress with her hair Copyright 2016 - 2024