Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,6

do you understand me, Luc, I will fucking kill you, so help me, by the Gods I will end you!” Dom roared at me the second I started to walk away.

“I don’t need your fucking approval!” I snarled over my shoulder and just as I was making it out of the library, he made it clear he wasn’t finished with me. I was grabbed from behind and pushed face first up against the wall next to the door. My face quickly became part of the plaster as it now had the side of my face imprinted there.

“She’s my daughter!” he roared next to my head and I had finally hit my limit, doing something I had once vowed never to do again, not since the last time. And I started by elbowing him back in the face, spinning the moment he loosened his hold so I could face him. Then, just as he was bringing forth his blades one more time, I knew now was the time to end this. So, using the power of my will against him, one that not even he was strong enough to fight against, I forced him to drop to his knees. Then I willed his arms to cross, embedding his blades into the floor to keep them there.

“ARRGH, DAMN YOU!” he thundered in anger, or should I say his demon did, for his vessel was under my control, whether he liked it or not and he was about to find out why. As there was something I had come to understand. It was a fundamental rule that he himself had taught me once. One I had to learn the hard way and one that was a lesson I would now be giving back to him.

For you never got in between a King and his Chosen One.

“Lucius, release him!” Keira shouted making me look back up at her and say,

“Not this time. Not when he stands in my way.” Then I took the few steps needed towards him and looked down at him.

“She may be your daughter, Dom…” I told him, pausing before I could then lean down slightly, getting closer so I could tell him the truth of it all.

“…but she is my Chosen One.”

Dom’s gasp of shock was one I ignored as I walked towards the door, doing so with purpose, stopping briefly when Keira asked me,

“What are you going to do?”

“I am going to right a wrong…once and for all,” I told her with a certainty I felt in my bones.

“It can’t be…it can’t be true! You can’t…Luc, I forbid it, she is my…!” Dom tried to say one last time, but with a slash of my hand I cut him off by force. Then, when I looked down over my shoulder, no longer granting him my expression for only my words of promise were needed,

“She is yours no longer, for she belongs to me now…and you should know, Dom…nothing gets in the way of me claiming what is mine!” Then after this, I allowed his roar of anger to become the background echo to my journey while running to her room. It was the last place I felt her presence, so I was hoping… no, more like fucking praying that she was still in there! That the ache in my heart had been wrong. That pit in my gut that she left was nothing more than misplaced dread. That it was a mistake and she had not left me. For her heart might be damaged but at the very least it was still in the building ready for me to fix!

But the more I ran and the closer I got the less and less that hope held power, for I knew what I would find the second I opened that door.

“Amelia!” I shouted as I burst inside only to find the start of my nightmare playing out.

She was gone.

The moment I saw this I allowed my hands to curl into fists morphing the pain into a controlled anger that I dared not let loose inside this room for fear of destroying her things. Besides, I knew that if I did give into my demon’s urge to break free that I would then be no use to anyone, the very least of all to myself.

For starters, I argued the fact that she couldn’t have got far, as she didn’t even have a car here…or did she? Would she have taken one…could she? These were things I needed to know, so without Copyright 2016 - 2024