Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,55

know this chick is lost.” I growled and ground out a warning,

“I have the patience of the Devil if you want to see it!”

“Lia Earhart, she changed her name to Lia Earhart,” he told me and had I been told this under any other circumstances surrounding the reason I was here, then I would have laughed. But it was like Bryant had said, she was clearly trying to send a message. She now wanted me to think of her as a ghost. Well, little did she know that she was about to become resurrected, because a name was all I needed…that and the car she was now driving.

“What was the trade?” I asked nodding to the line of stolen goods on wheels.

“Dom’s Dodge.” I raised a brow in confusion…how the fuck did this guy know her father?

“Come again?”

“Not a Fast and Furious fan, eh? Well, your girl certainly seemed to be, of course she wanted Eleanor first but there was no way I was parting with her.”

“Fucking get to the part where this is fucking important to me!” I snapped as he walked towards the other side of the garage, pulled a cover from the Ferrari and said,

“Dom is the main character in the movie that the black 1970 Dodge Charger RT belonged to, it made her smile when she picked it, so I gathered it meant something to her.” I gave him a nod and answered with my usual dry,

“Indeed,” as this was starting to sound like my fucking catchphrase these days! But she certainly had a sense of humour or a fancy for irony as Bryant went on to explain in the movie it was his dad’s car. And seeing as she’d just stolen her father’s car who was named Dom, well her choice was starting to make sense. Especially after I asked,

“I am curious, what did she tell you her nickname was?” He grinned at this and replied,

“Little Dodge.”

“But of course,” I muttered with a shake of my head.

“It’s gotta be said, she definitely has a sense of humour, even told me her plan was to get the Hell out of Dodge and now she’s in one.” I ignored the next level of irony she obviously was making a statement with and instead found out all the details surrounding the car, like the all-important license plate. After this I plucked the images of my demonic self from his mind, as was law and then I demanded the keys to Dom’s car.

“Aww, fuck man, come on, you gotta give me something,” he complained as I got inside the half a million-dollar sportscar after first telling him,

“I have given you something.” Then I started her up making her roar angrily as if desperate to get back to its owner and added,

“You fuck over people for a living, Bryant… so consider this the redemption of others, with the added bonus you get to keep your life…” Then I pulled down the door, watched the roller doors go up after doing so with my mind and muttered to myself this time,

“…not all of us can claim the same.”

Chapter 14

Missing the Unexpected

Three days later I found myself back in the very last place I expected to be, but I had come full circle, finding myself at the very beginning! I swear, but I was starting to question the level of expertise Amelia had at evading capture or I was asking myself if I had lost my touch for hunting?

Either way, I was pissed about being back here but there was nothing more to be done. She had indeed become a fucking ghost and I was hoping that something new would come to light after I had delivered Dom’s Ferrari back to him. Meaning that yet a-fucking-gain I was walking inside of Dom’s office with fuck all to go on.

“Still nothing?” he asked in that same hopeful tone he always had whenever we spoke, as I had kept my word and continued to keep him in the know. I threw his keys at him and snapped,

“What do you fucking think!”

“Gods, what is she thinking?” he replied with a disappointed shake of his head.

“I can fully imagine exactly what she is thinking, Dom, and other than my head being on the end of a fucking spike at the gates of Afterlife, then I don’t see your daughter returning home any time soon,” I said kicking out the chair and gripping the back of it, feeling the wood soften under the grip I had on Copyright 2016 - 2024