Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,27

and shelves of paint cans. Below this were benches, and heavy-duty tools that were used to get the illegal jobs done.

Five guys all stood around wearing pretty much the same expressions, which was my cue to get out and start my pitch, hoping it didn’t include my gun. One that I found out after fake Micky told me that the joke was on me, was actually because it was minus any bullets and was pretty much useless. But hey, you couldn’t tell that from looking at it right?

Thanks for that one, fake Micky. Jeez the guy couldn’t even steal a car properly I thought as I raised the door and tried my hardest not to trip on my heels as I got up out of the car. Then, as I did, I plastered on a grin, even going so far as winking at one guy whose mouth actually dropped open as I pulled the pen from my hair and shook out my two-minute hairstyle.

“Well, hello boys,” I said with a smirk as they scanned the length of me, having no clue what was about to go down if the shit hit the fan. Thankfully for me, I didn’t see an arsenal of weaponry amongst the cans of oil, so I was taking this as a good sign. Otherwise, I would have been up shit creek with a bullet shot limb as my only paddle!

But this was when I noticed that there was also a mezzanine level right ahead of me at the end of the shop. One that seemed to be where the office was, if the sound of one pissed off male was any indication. I knew this as I heard a door slamming and an angry voice snarl,

“What the fuck is all the fucking noise and who do I have to fucking kill to shut them the fuck up?!” Sheesh, that guy needed to relax, or maybe a valium…I mean the guy said fuck more than a certain, shall forever now be known as, ‘asshole Vampire’ did.

The guys all looked up the second he appeared, as did I to see a large brute of a man appear, who kind of reminded me of the dude who played Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy. Only without all the grey and red skin and very literal sense of…well, pretty much everything.

Then again, this guy wasn’t half naked, although he looked just as angry as Drax could get, especially in a fight. His dark hair was shaved short, with the hair on his lower face longer than the top. He had hard eyes that looked smaller due to the furious look he seemed to be holding onto and his large nose had clearly been broken more than once. It was also easy to see him as the boss, especially with all the muscle that looked as though it was worked at by tossing rival gang members in some car crusher on the weekends. That or he just bench-pressed auto parts giving new meaning to the term ‘muscle cars’.

Oh, and my guess was that Big B didn’t like getting disturbed much.

“And who the fuck are you, lady?!” he snapped making me really wish I had rethought this plan of mine. Maybe I should have tried getting my hands on an actual weapon that wasn’t useless and its only use was as a gangster looking paperweight. Although, I had a pen, so that had to count for something after the night with the merc…right?

“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just here to browse, you know, thinking of getting an upgrade…” They all looked at me as if I had lost my damn mind, so I rolled my eyes and decided to cut through the bullshit and get right to it,

“You’re an illegal chop shop that deals in stolen cars and I just drove in here with a Ferrari, what do you think I am fucking doing here…about to ask for an oil change?!” And this was when I dropped the bomb and the reaction was what I had been expecting, but not what I had been hoping for.

“Bitch, you should have just said you were in the wrong place…damn shame, you were one fine bitch,” Big B said before nodding to one of his guys that was wearing oil stained coveralls. I released a sigh and shook my head a little, taking note of the confused glances from the others. They were no doubt asking themselves why I hadn’t yet started to run away Copyright 2016 - 2024