Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,23

knowledge of guns,” I told her with a smirk.

“Holy shit! Are you serious?!” she shouted after first sounding like she might have spat out her drink.

“Deadly.” I giggled happily in that blissful moment, ignoring the past and painful hours this day had granted me.

“So, like when…when did this happen, I mean what exactly have you been doing these past few weeks, training with the Marines?” she asked clearly surprised, as anyone would be.

“I wish… no, it’s just something I have always done.”

“Ermm…back up a sec, like why is this something I am only now hearing about?”

“Well, it never came up,” I argued lamely.

“Okay, just so you know for future potential friend making, that granted, will never be as awesome as me but nevertheless, it should always come up… for example, like when we first met, you should have introduced yourself as, ‘hello, I am Emmie, kick ass extraordinaire, my hobbies include collecting Lego, lame T shirts and putting men on their ass when they get too grabby…plus, I just bought a bat.” I burst out laughing at that before agreeing,

“Right, I must really remember that for next time,” I said with a smirk.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! I could have been making money with you in underground fight clubs!” she said in a high-pitched way, again making me giggle.

“And just how many of those do you know about, huh?”

“Admittedly not one, but hey if I ever find a Brad Pitt look alike then I will follow him and see where he goes.”

“Oh sure, that’s why you would follow him,” I said in a knowing tone making her laugh this time.

“And besides, don’t you mean Ed Norton, as I believe…”

“Yeah, yeah alright smarty kick ass pants. So, back to this plan of yours, what do you need?” she said getting back down to business.

“Do you still have your connections in New York?” I asked, knowing she was right. Because as much as I needed this conversation for my sanity at the moment, I also had a time restriction set against me.

“Yeah…whyyy?” she said in a way that extended the word and I could just tell it was one of those, ‘I have a bad feeling’ type of why.

“Because I have a plan, but first I need money.”

“Well, why not just…wait, you’re not just running from the hot Ex are you? That’s why I got a call from hot daddy too.” I groaned and told her,

“Please, don’t call him that and yes, I am running from everyone.”

“But why?” she asked clearly confused, which became just one more thing to add to the long list of shit I couldn’t tell her fully.

“It’s hard to explain right now, but I promise you, Kirky, one day I will explain everything…off the record of course, I said knowing this was only a half promise and feeling bad about it, but then again, I also knew it was a truth that I was forever forbidden to tell.

“Alright, but I am trusting you here not to get yourself killed…don’t disappoint me…yeah?”

“I promise and if it helps, I really don’t want to get killed either,” I admitted.

“Good to know and just for the record…you are officially one of the coolest and most mysterious people I know, especially when I just thought you were a geek in PJs.” I laughed at this and said,

“Oh Kirky, you have no idea.”

Chapter 6

Chop Shop Showdown

Driving through the clearly dodgy areas of New York wasn’t exactly my idea of fun, but neither was driving five hours straight to get here all the way from Portland, Maine. But then Wendy had come good on her promise to help and found me the guy I needed.

He was someone who worked at the New York Times and he had written a few articles on the Iron Triangle. This had basically once been a place where stolen cars went to die. It was a place in Corona Queens where the METS played baseball and where people used to turn their heads away from the slum across the street. A place that once looked more like an apocalyptic version of New York than what it did today, now that the city had finally stepped in and reclaimed the land after years of promising to do so. Hence why the flooded, pothole heaven was no more.

But before the high rise complex had been built, it had been Willets Point, a place known for its auto repair shops, scrap yards, waste processing sites, and similar small businesses that consisted Copyright 2016 - 2024