Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,21

folded my arms across the steering wheel before burying my head there and sobbing, letting it all go. The sound of someone calling becoming nothing but a theme song for my pain and I looked side on at the screen through my tears, cancelling it with a stab of my finger and all those after it.

Then, I took a deep shuddering breath and started the car ready to follow through with the rest of my getaway. Which meant that I continued to drive, all the while asking myself what on earth Luc had said for both him and my father to be driving to the plane together?

It was the only part of this that made no sense. I knew my dad and if he believed Luc had been having an affair with his wife then other than outright killing him, which he couldn’t do, the very last thing he would do was spend time with him in a fucking car!

But then again, when did any of this day make sense?

When did the sense part come into it, as everything in your life starts to unravel?

Never. That’s when.

I looked at the clock and seeing that the longer I gave them, the more chance they had to issue their orders, it meant that it was time to put the next part of my plan into action. And well, for that I needed to speak to the only person in my life I felt I could trust. The only person who wouldn’t try and convince me to go home or ‘do what they thought was best’. I thought about Auntie Pip, but then I knew she would never go against my mum and she was clearly emotional after what had happened. So, as much as it pained me, I knew that I couldn’t count on her.

No, there was only Wendy left in my life. And lucky for me I had memorized her number a while ago, which meant that I could tap it in to the car’s inbuilt phone using its Wi-Fi and ring my last lifeline.

“Err…Hello?” Wendy answered in the way most people would when they didn’t recognise the number calling them.

“Kirky, it’s me,” I said, unable to prevent my emotions from pouring out in those three words. Because that was the effect of a true friend, one you needed in moments of desperate need for comfort. I had missed my friend and had barely had the chance to speak to her during all that had been going on. But, before leaving for Afterlife, Lucius had given me his phone so I could call her, finally able to update her with the status of my relationship. News that seemed pointless now.

“Emmie! Oh my God, Jesus, I have been so worried!” The second her panicked voice said this I knew that she had already been contacted.

“I’m fine, honey.”

“Yeah, well, that boy of yours doesn’t seem to think so, as let’s just say that he put the fear of God in me!” she said, making me tense.

“What do you mean…Lucius called you?” I asked with a shake of my head knowing that this didn’t sound right.

“Oh yeah, he called me alright and your father, oh and then Dante, the asshole,” she said in a tone that was incredulous and ended on a growl of words obviously disliking the last one, something I knew I would have to ask her about when the time was right. I had tried the last time I spoke to her, but it had been obvious she hadn’t been ready. Something, that unfortunately in this moment I could relate to, so I hadn’t pushed.

“What did he say?”

“I would ask which one, but I gather with the sound of heartbreak in your voice you only mean one…oh and also I have someone’s skull to crack should I ever meet the asshole!”

“Yeah, well I will hand you the bat, but for now…” I said, leaving out the part that he would just catch it on the downward blow and snap it in two. However, my comment made her chuckle before telling me,

“Only that you had done another runner and that it was basically a life and death situation that you were found and that if I wanted to be any help to you, I would call him the second you called and tell him everything you told me.”

“Gods, why would he do that?” I muttered in disbelief.

“My guess, because he cares and is freaking out that you left him,” she answered making Copyright 2016 - 2024