Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,15

let you get away with it. I don’t give a shit if what she saw wasn’t…”

“You spoke to her?!” I snapped, suddenly realising it and hearing it in his voice for myself.

“I didn’t say that, but the way I look at it, seeing as she left you then it’s no longer your business even if she did!” The second he said this was when I officially lost my shit, releasing the firm hold I’d had on my demonic side and relishing the moment of furious freedom!

“Big. Fucking. Mistake!” I snarled low and menacing before I made my move. Theo braced just in time for me to fly into him, forcing him back through the door so we wouldn’t destroy anything Amelia treasured.

We ended up crashing into one of the many stone walls in Afterlife, before I grabbed him and threw him down the hallway, one that was getting closer to my intended target. But then the asshole simply shook it off and barreled right back into me, causing us both to go crashing into some antique sideboard that almost crumbled on impact.

I felt a fist in my gut, just as my own connected with his jaw for the second time that day. However, the longer this continued, the more and more my demon seeped through and before long I couldn’t stop it as the leather on my glove ignited into Hellish flames. Meaning that if I didn’t put a stop to this, then I would end up doing something that couldn’t be undone the moment I touched him.

For a single touch by the hand of the Venom of God was all it would take to,

Kill a Draven.

“ENOUGH!” I roared and forced him to his knees using my will against him, just as I had done with his father. Only this time, he didn’t know it, but it was done so more for his sake than mine. So, despite making it less than a fair fight, the alternative would have undoubtably been far worse. Besides, I needed to get to the bottom of that call and fast.

“Now you will tell me where she is?!”

“Fuck…AHHH!” He ended this insult in pain as I twisted my fist, mimicking his spine.

“Lucius, stop!” Keira shouted coming out of Dom’s office, clearly still upset shown by the tears streaming down her face.

“I will, just as soon as he tells me what I demand to know!” I informed her calmly despite my demonic appearance. Then I felt her hand on mine, the only being in the world able to touch my hand and survive. This was due to the same Venom of God in her blood, being why she was unaffected by it.

Her touch startled me enough that I dropped my hold on the boy’s mind and staggered back, feeling my wings hitting the wall first before my back followed.

“He doesn’t know where she is, she wouldn’t tell him, just as she wouldn’t tell me,” Keira admitted in a devastated tone.

“You spoke to her!? When, what did she say?!” I demanded in a rush of words.

“Luc, please just calm down and…”

“NO! For fuck sake, Keira, don’t you see, all this deception, all these fucking lies are the reason I am now stood here without my Chosen One! She ran because I agreed to do as you asked of me!” I said verbally lashing out at her.

“I know…I know, but please if you will just listen to me and let me explain then I…”

“NO! No… FUCK NO! I am done listening! I have never once gone against you or said no to you, Keira, but I am fucking done! No more, No fucking more! Because all the lies, the secrets, where has it got me…WHERE IS MY GIRL!?” I roared losing it and I only knew this when Theo rose slowly and positioned his mother behind him, protecting her now and staring at my exposed hand.

“Easy now, Luc…let’s just take a breath,” Theo said in a calming tone that was meant to bring me back from whatever had claimed my vessel, aiming for my mind next. So, I followed their fearful gaze and looked down at my own hand, feeling it pulsating with Hell’s power like the Devil’s own limb was attached to me. And that wasn’t far from what I found, for it was only a glimpse of the charred black scarred skin that I had been used to seeing whenever I finally removed the glove.

However, now in the height of my wrath, it was more like Copyright 2016 - 2024