Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,112

I couldn’t see it. I continued to move, trying to free myself from whatever gripped me now, but it seemed useless!

“Amelia!” Lucius shouted my name this time, done so in panic and the second a blinding light erupted from beneath me, I screamed as suddenly I started to fall…no, not fall, but just like my fears, I was being dragged. Like the earth beneath my feet had started to crumble away, giving way to the roots of this tree that was pulling me under. They were like the hands of death wanting to claim its next victim and I was powerless to stop them.

Then I was screaming as I started to fall through the earth and beyond.

“NO!” I heard the scream of the witch in the distance above as I disappeared from sight and I closed my eyes as my heart dropped to my stomach! I continued to fall, screaming only one name,

“LUCIUS!” Then suddenly I felt a hand gripping my wrist as I was slowly being lowered to the ground. I wanted to ask myself who it was that gripped me so tight, but I was too afraid to open my eyes. But then my brain started to work past the fear of death and what I felt wasn’t bare flesh around my wrist…

But one of leather.


Lucius had caught me.

My eyes flew open to see him above me, my wrist in his hold with the great shadow of his wings above him. Then I felt my feet touching the ground and I looked down to see that he had lowered us into what looked like a giant underground cavern. Lucius followed me down until his feet were also on the ground and before I could ask what happened he pulled me in to his chest to hold m close.

“Gods, Amelia, my Khuba, my love… I could have lost you!” He sounded so torn and worried that I simply let him hold me, knowing that we both needed the comfort right then.

“I’m so sorry, Amelia…so, so, sorry.”

“What for, you didn’t…”

“For this,” he said and before I had time to react, pain exploded in my shoulder as he tore the arrow out, doing so in what I knew was most likely the kindest way possible. However, that didn’t stop me from screaming as the pain cut through me like a knife forged in the pits of Hell! I watched as he threw it to the side angrily, before taking hold of me once more. Then he started to shift my body around so he could reach my lips.

“Ssshh…calm, calm now, it is done, now here, I want you to drink.”

“But… I already …took…” I slurred my words, feeling myself falling under and so close to giving way to the unconsciousness my body was craving. He had been right about the arrow, it had been slowing the blood loss.

“Ssshh, drink Amelia, it will make you feel better,” he said, and I soon found myself cradled in his hold where we must have slipped to the dirt floor. I heard the tear of flesh as he bit into his own wrist before I felt it being placed to my lips,

“Drink, Amelia,” he urged again giving me a little shake as my eyes had closed and my body started to slump in his hold.

“Drink!” This time when he shouted, he did so with panic in his tone which jarred me enough to do as I was told. So, I latched onto the opening in his wrist letting the blood gush into my mouth, doing so with so much flow I didn’t need to suck but only swallow. I opened my eyes briefly to see why this was as he was fisting his hand over and over again to get the blood pumping quicker, so I had no trouble feeding.

But then the moment I felt myself starting to heal came the next part that flooded my system. And with it a lot more than just fixing my body. It also became about the rush of my mind as it released a surge of dopamine, making me scream out as I came without even being touched. My brain continued to work overtime in producing a potent and effective recipe of different hormones and neurochemicals all creating a mind blowing experience.

I don’t know how many times I cried out his name or how long after I remained shuddering in his arms as my body came down from the high. But I felt him whispering tender words down Copyright 2016 - 2024