Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,110

down the bleed rate, so this is good.”

“Wow and here I was thinking I was the smart one…see, total boy scout,” I said making him laugh after which he told me quietly,

“Amelia, listen to me, they can’t see you from here, so they won’t know what you are doing.”

“Why, what am I doing?” I asked whispering back.

“I want you to pull the neck of my shirt down and bite my chest as hard as you can.” Suddenly my fun day was getting better.

“Hardly time for a hickey, handsome.”

“Amelia, you know what I want, now it won’t heal you completely, not until I can remove the arrow, but it will help with the blood loss.”

“And the orgasm that usually follows it?” I asked making him reply,

“It won’t be enough all at once.”

“I guess that’s why they didn’t use a gun to shoot me with, huh, clever really.”

“Right, well, before we praise the enemy too much, can you get on with it, as we have a way left to go and you will need strength for both the journey and when we get there,” he advised in a tense tone.


“Because I have a plan,” he said making it wise not to ask but instead to praise the right person who was on my team.

“Of course, you do…my man always has a plan,” I said making him grin, flashing his fangs that I knew were the parts of his demon he hadn’t yet released. After all, the threat was still at our backs.

After this he nodded down at me, telling me to start so I did what he asked. I yanked hard on the neck of his t shirt, gripping the material as if this would help. Then I first kissed the small section of bare chest making him wink down at me in thanks before I bit down on his flesh as hard as I could. He didn’t even flinch as his blood dripped and pooled in my mouth. I continued to suck at him and started to feel better the more blood I took. But then when I started to pull back, he snarled down at me,


“Lucius, no, you need your strength too and I am feeling better.” His snarled response told me I wouldn’t win.

“More, Amelia, now do as you’re told.” I rolled my eyes at him before going back to sucking more, grinning around his flesh when he said,

“My itchy palm will owe you for that one, my sassy girl.”

After this I didn’t know how much farther we ended up going but I must have fallen asleep at some point with my face nestled against Lucius’ chest, one that had healed long ago.

“I think this is close enough!” The witch’s voice startled me awake and I quickly opened my eyes to see where we were.

I gasped in horror as we had now been plummeted right into my nightmares.

A single dead tree.

A missing bloodied noose.

A body no longer swaying at the end of it.

The place where Lucius first died.

Chapter 28

Born A Key

Lucius felt me tense so hard it felt like my bones would snap and the pain in my shoulder intensified.

“Easy, sweetheart,” he told me, making me grab onto his t-shirt, bunching it in my fist as I whispered,

“But this place…it’s…it’s,”

“I know where it is, love,” he told me stopping me from saying it and I looked to see if there was any pain in his eyes, where there seemed to be only deep rooted anger that was desperate to break free.

“Now put her down!” the witch demanded, and I looked over his shoulder to find a large arc of rogues all stood like silent sentinels, making me feel as if something wasn’t right with them.

“Lucius, all the Vampires, they seem…”

“I know,” he said with a tense lock of his jaw. Because it was as if he already knew where my thoughts were headed, and he shook his head telling me not to speak of it now.

“Put her down, Vampire!” the witch ordered again.

“No!” he snapped back on a growl, but then she started to raise her hand and said,

“Very well, another arrow should do it.” Layla clapped her hands as if this was the most fun she’d had in years…Gods, the bitch clearly needed to get laid if that was the case!

“NO! DON’T!” Lucius roared making the witch fold her arms and say expectantly,


“Fuck! Alright, alright just don’t fucking hurt her!” Lucius said, his panic clear to see as he started to lower my feet to the ground. Then Copyright 2016 - 2024