Treasured By the Alien Pirate by Celia Kyle Page 0,63

my port in the storm, and if she feels even an ounce for me of what I do for her, that makes me the luckiest bastard in the universe.

That smile is back on her lips when she pulls away from me again. She reaches up to cup my cheek before pressing her forehead against mine.

“You needn’t have worried so much, my love. It’ll take more than a few lumpy dingleberries to kill me,” I tell her as I reach up to place a hand over hers.

She laughs but admonishes me for using such a derogatory word for the Vakutan-Odex hybrids. “You know that’s an outdated, racist term. And besides, I can’t help but feel sorry for them. You heard what they said. They’d been experimented on. I’ve never seen creatures like them before. It sounds horrible to say it, but I’m glad you put them out of their misery.”

“Yes, well, be that as it may, the Odex have killed enough of my friends that I believe I’m entitled to use it,” I nearly growl. “But you’re right. What was done to them was inhumane—an abomination.”

She laughs again and it’s such a lovely sound, like a song I’d once heard and forgotten, and I’m only too happy to remember it.

“I’ve got to tell you something.” Her cheeks flush rosy pink and her gaze flicks back to our linked hands, as if she can’t look me in the eye as she prepares herself to say whatever she’s clearly been thinking about for as long as I was unconscious.

“You can tell me anything.” I say, hoping my words provide her with both comfort and encouragement.

She takes a deep breath before she looks up and meets my eyes again. As I always do, I get lost in their smoky depths. I drink my fill of their radiance before dragging myself back to the present and squeezing her hand once more.

“I’m sure this doesn’t come as a shock to you, but—I love you, Grantian. I think I’ve known it for a while now, maybe even before we were confirmed to be jalshagar. I felt a pull toward you even before the first time we kissed. I’d never felt so comfortable around anyone before, even though you were clearly on edge. I just—I love you,” she finishes, her eyes never leaving mine.

I stare at her for a long moment before I speak, wanting to get the words right.

“Of course I’m not shocked, Lamira, because I love you, too. I’ve loved you for so many years before I even knew you. I’ve always felt like something was missing in my life and now I feel whole. The moment I saw you it was like I recognized you, and at the time I didn’t know how that was possible. I do now. My soul knew you—knew yours—and I thank all the gods every day for your love. You’re the best part of me,” I conclude as I bring her hands to my lips.

Shit, now she’s crying again.

Chapter Thirty-Four


My arms ache terribly from the heavy bags dangling from my grip, but I grit my teeth and continue on along the burnished copper passage of the Queen. It’s not much further to Grantian’s new quarters—a space he no longer shares with another Kilgari and has a larger bed to fit the two of us. I can make it.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that my destination is our quarters because I’m moving in with my golden-skinned, horned Kilgari mate once he gets released from the medbay tomorrow. It’s been two days and his wounds are mostly recovered.

It just seemed silly to not move in. Grantian had offered to help with the move, but I’d turned him down. He’s still healing and his duties have kept him busy ever since we got back from Solace.

Besides, I had thought it wouldn’t be all that hard. It’s not like I have furniture to move, after all. But I quickly found I had accumulated a lot of junk in a short period of time aboard the Queen. This is my fourth, and I hope final, trip from my former domicile to his quarters.

I don’t quite make it through the door. Giving in to my oxygen-starved muscles, I set the bags down outside the portal and rub my aching wrists for a few moments before finally completing my task.

Then I plop down on the huge bed I now share with Grantian and sigh. That’s done with. Now maybe I can catch a quick Copyright 2016 - 2024