Treasured By the Alien Pirate by Celia Kyle Page 0,52

me, and that’s when he really starts to thrust. His movements are vicious and impossibly fast, so much I can no longer tell when he’s going in or out of me. I try to keep stroking him at the same rhythm he’s using, but it’s impossible. My wrist starts to protest just a couple of seconds later and I’m forced to ease up before I snap it.

“That’s so…” I trail off, closing my mouth once I realize I don’t have the strength to speak. The way he’s fucking me demands all of my brain’s attention, all of its processing power now devoted to assimilating the raging storm of pleasure Grantian has unleashed upon me. Closing my eyes, I take one deep breath and surrender to it all.

I don’t even have the time to prepare myself for it.

When I explode, I do it without warning.

Gritting my teeth, I exhale sharply as an ocean of tension floods my entire body. That feeling of unbearable tension only lasts half a second, and then all hell breaks loose. My muscles start to twitch and tremble, my inner walls tightening around his cock in a death-grip, and a column of fire shoots up my spine. I scream so loudly it feels as if my vocal cords are going to snap, and that only makes Grantian thrust even harder.

How he does it, I have no idea.

“Lamira,” he breathes, resting his forehead against mine, and that’s the end of the road for him. He tenses up, much like I did, and then I feel his two cocks throbbing in perfect synch. The one in my hand shoots up his seed on an arch, most of it landing between my breasts, and the other unleashes the rest of it inside me, filling me up in such a perfect manner that my entire body quivers with satisfaction.

“Am I alive?” I ask him, my trembling voice nothing but a whisper. “Or is this heaven?”

Smiling, Grantian gives me a gentle kiss.

“I have no idea,” he replies, “and I truly don’t care.”


“No,” he says. “Just as long as I’m with you, nothing else matters.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Tension hangs heavily in the air of the Queen’s cargo hold, draped across our shoulders like an intangible pall.

Any moment now, we’ll touch down on the surface of Consolation. Solace. How ironic, given that it feels like anything but. The crew chosen for first contact consists of Zander, Fiona, Solair, Varia, Grantian, and me. I’d insisted on coming along. After all, I discovered where Solace was in the first place. Not going would’ve felt like I was shirking my responsibility somehow.

Besides, it might not even be dangerous. The initial scans of the moon base, the only structure on the entire surface, had not uncovered any defensive artillery of any kind. They’d also not uncovered any signs of life, but my mate is not convinced of our safety.

“I’d feel better if we knew for certain what we were walking into, Solair.” He checks the magazine on his sleek Kilgari laser rifle. Like most of their artifacts, it’s meant for aesthetic as well as functional purposes. Someone has taken the care to fabricate its barrel into the roaring mouth and serpentine throat of a dragon. Even the little touches, like brass finishings, seem to suggest it was intended to hang on a wall as much as kill someone.

“As far as we can tell, no active sapient life forms are at the base, or even on the surface.”

“I know.” Grantian looks at Solair grimly. “But the saying goes: he who trusts solely in sensors deserves to be eaten by the Odex he didn’t see coming.”

I tug at the shoulder straps holding my class-two hard armor vest in place. It’s heavy and oversized, and standing around with all of these towering Kilgari makes me feel like a child in adult’s clothing. Even the human-sized blaster pistol at my hip feels clunky and awkward. I’m no soldier, not like Varia, but I’m determined to do my part.

The Queen settles onto her landing pylons, and Solair steps to the front of our group. A thin line appears in the hull of the Queen, peeling back to reveal the moon’s landscape to our naked eyes for the first time.

It’s fairly desolate, with a few scraggly trees and hard, rocky soil jutting up in jagged lines from the surface. The moon base looms ahead, a monolithic structure with a sleek design reminiscent of an anvil, where the bottom tapers up to a wider top. There seem Copyright 2016 - 2024