Treasured By the Alien Pirate by Celia Kyle Page 0,38


One of his horns got busted off during a nasty ship crash. I was there and broke my leg in two places. Zarp pretty much saved my life that day, dragging me out of the vessel before it could explode, but then again, I’ve saved his a few times as well.

“You look good in that monkey suit.”

Zarp laughs and leads me onto the posh, mirror-walled elevator. “Don’t lie. I look like a damn fool. But the pay is great, I set my own hours, and it’s the epitome of do-nothing jobs.”

“Sounds like it’s right up your alley, Zarp.” My smile fades. “Old friend, I’m afraid my need is dire…”

“I’ll share my predictions for this year’s Mega Bowl later.”

“No, I’m…”

“Grantian.” His jaw sets hard. “I said we’ll talk later.” His eyes ever so subtly glance up at the camera bulb affixed to the ceiling.

“Yeah, whatever.” I laugh to play it off. When the doors slide open on the fifteenth floor, he leads me down a soft carpeted hallway and into his office. Most of one wall of the cozy environs is covered in monitors while a large, expensive, and powerful console sits upon his desk.

“Nice digs, Zarp.”

“You know it.” He closes the door, and then flips a switch on his console. The running lights change from blue to red. “Okay, that should jam anybody trying to eavesdrop.”

“I don’t remember you being this paranoid in the Hael Hounds, Zarp. What makes you so certain someone is trying to listen in?”

He scoffs and spreads his hands widely.

“This is Glimner. Someone is always listening in. But not so long as I have my trusty jamming suite. Now, I assume you’re here because of something to do with the one hundred and seven new crew mates on the Ancestral Queen?”

My hand drifts toward my blaster, but Zarp quickly holds his hands up. “Stay your hand, old friend. I’m not trying to threaten you.”

“So, you say. But you took pains to drop that bombshell early on.”

Zarp sighs and rubs the stub where his left horn used to be. “I just wanted to make sure you knew where we stood. I’m no dope, Grantian. It behooves me in my job to keep an ear to what’s going on in the galaxy, and people on Kyvos have loose tongues.”

“Particularly when exposed to credits. I see. Actually, Zarp, I’m here to inquire if you know anything about a base on the moon, Consolation.”

“Consolation?” He covers his mouth with his hand and shakes his head. “I’d heard rumors of some outfit wanting to set up there, but I didn’t take them seriously. It’s been abandoned for ages.”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not.” I shift in my seat and sigh. “I’m not accusing you of anything, but have you heard anything about a possible interest by the body merchant sect in acquiring human women?”

Zarp sighs and then nods. “Yes, I have. Especially in the far-flung outposts. Rumor has it that it’s a shadow cabinet of the IHC who are actually behind the purchases. Let that sink in.”

“But the IHC forbids all forms of slavery, other than indenture. Even the Coalition forbids it.”

“Except on Gur.”

“The Ataxians keep the mayhem and chaos on Gur so it doesn’t spread to the rest of their galactic empire. You’re obfuscating the issue, Zarp. How do you even know the IHC is behind the slave trade uptick?”

“Look, Grantian. I didn’t say I knew. I said it was rumored. Apparently, they’re using dummy corporations to do the actual buying to keep their noses clean. That’s all I know.”

Shooting him a grin, I rise from my seat and we bash our fists together in the Hael Hounds greeting. “Thank you, old friend.”

“Anytime for a fellow Hound.”

We stand there for a moment staring at each other before breaking into one of the Hael Hounds mantras, shouting in our best parade voices.

“Hael Hounds,

Walking tall,

Knocking Down,

Every wall,

Can’t hack it?

Pack it!”

Then we club each other on the shoulders, and I take my leave. When I reach the door, he calls out to me one more time. “Grantian.”


“Take my advice. Don’t go to Consolation. Messing with the IHC, either officially or otherwise, never ends well.”

“Thank you.” What’s left unsaid, though understood by both of us, is that I’m going to Consolation come hell or high water.

My thoughts dwell upon the news Zarp delivered as I ride the elevator car back to the lobby level. I suppose I look quite grim because everyone in the car gives me a wide berth.

I just can’t believe that the Interstellar Human Copyright 2016 - 2024