Treasured By the Alien Pirate by Celia Kyle Page 0,35

display. My mind is tangled with contradictory thoughts about our upcoming operation. Keeping Lamira safe is my main priority.

Perhaps because she dwells so heavily in my thoughts my feet take me past her quarters on the way to the armory. Too late I realize my mistake, as she glances up from her datapad and smiles.

“Grantian.” She rises from her bed and comes out into the hallway. I try not to look at the expanse of naked flesh jutting beneath the oversized shirt she wears. It fits her like a very short, baggy dress. “Did you come all the way down here just to see me?”

I did not, but I don’t want to say that out loud. I’m unable to say anything at all as I stand and drink in the sight of her lovely form.

She chuckles and punches me lightly on the arm. “Always the strong, silent type.” Her eyes fairly sparkle with adoration as she looks me up and down. “I really need to thank you.”

“Thank me?” At last my wits have returned enough to speak. “For what?”

“For convincing Solair to investigate Solace—Consolation. It really means a lot to the women.”

My lips stretch into a smile, and I feel a giddy kind of warmth spreading through my chest. “Think nothing of it. I’m happy to assist you with whatever you need, Lamira.”

“Oh?” Lamira appears to consider my reply, pursing her lips and nodding to herself. “I’m so glad to have a big, strong man so very attentive to my… needs.”

I think the climate control system might be on the fritz again because suddenly it’s very warm in here. Lamira and I spend a long moment gazing at each other until I can’t stand the silence any longer, neither that of my lips or my heart.

“Lamira…” my voice is low, barely above a whisper.

“Yes, Grantian?” She seems intent, hopeful. I think she wants me to do something, say something, but I have no idea what.

“Lamira, I adore you.”

Her eyes grow glassy and half lidded. A soft smile plays at her lips, and I feel like I’ve said just the right thing. “You’re pretty adorable yourself.”

She’s so close to me now, close enough I can feel the heat coming off of her skin. Lamira leans in close, her hands on my chest. I find myself bending my neck, moving our lips closer.

Lamira’s eyes flutter closed, and her lips slightly part. The chemistry is perfect. Our different heights are not. To avoid awkwardness, I gently lift her up around the waist.

Her soft laughter fades as our mouths grow mere inches apart. I can feel the warmth of her breath across my sensitive skin, and I move in to claim those glorious lips—

“Grantian, report to the bridge. We’ve arrived at Glimner.”

We pause for a moment. I have to go, but I must kiss her. I must—

Which of course means that a gaggle of her fellows come around the bend at that exact moment. I set her down, gently, and the only thing stronger than our mutual disappointment is the feeling that we’ll be taking up this unfinished business later.

Chapter Nineteen


Sitting on the observation deck of the Ancestral Queen with Varia affords us a resplendent view as the ship drops out of superluminal speed. The stars resolve themselves from streaks of light into their familiar twinkling spots, and the beautiful blue and white marble of Glimner comes into view.

“It’s gorgeous,” I whisper as I stand up and press my hands against the glassteel panel, gaping at the pleasure planet. “Is the whole thing mostly covered in water?”

“Apparently.” Varia shrugs. “I’ve never been here, though I’ve always wanted to visit.”

I purse my lips at the beautiful planet, my brow furrowing with worry because of some things my parents said on Titanus Vox. “You know, my folks told me Glimner is all glitz and glamour on the surface, and all crime and filth underneath.”

Varia comes and stands next to me, her arms akimbo. “That might not be inaccurate, but from what I understand it’s a fairly safe planet overall—as long as you don’t borrow creds from a guy in a three-piece suit or bet more than you can cover on the latest BBL game. Otherwise, it would be bad for business if tourists kept turning up dead or robbed.”

“But I heard some gals talking and they said Glimner has no laws.”

“Not quite. They have the standard rules you’ll find in Alliance or IHC space that govern public behavior. What they don’t have are any sort of Copyright 2016 - 2024