Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,72

trying not to choke.

“I decided the night we left and told him to get his shit together and get out as soon as we got home,” Natie said proudly.

“That’s wonderful news!”

“He whined about being tired from the drive, and I told him I was pretty sure he could find someone willing to let him into their bed tonight. But, that someone wouldn’t be me!”

Becki laughed, “Ha! I bet he didn’t have anything to say to that!”

“Oh, he slammed around, and I helped him all I could… by throwing his shit out in the front yard from the second story window!” Natie bragged.

Becki laughed as Natie gave her the details. “Oh, Nat, I wished I could have been a fly on the wall,” she said, her eyes dancing with mirth. “Speaking of being a fly on the wall, tell me about your ride home with Sean the other night. He’s such a sweet-heart.”

“I know, but I’m not ready to think about anyone other than me right now, Becki. I didn’t love Jonah anymore, but he was comfortable. I’ve never been with anyone else, so I’m just going to go solo for a while,” Natie said.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. You need to come back here now that you’ve cut the ball and chain loose. We can have some real fun,” Becki coaxed.

“Maybe I’ll be able to come back in a few months. Don’t get too excited, but I’m considering moving there permanently.”

Becki screamed in excitement, “Really?” Becki asked as she stood up and danced around in circles. “That would be so awesome!” Flopping back into her seat, she grabbed her wine glass and pressed her sister for details, “When?”

“I’m thinking as soon as this semester is over. I still have a few weeks to go. I’m getting sick of school, so I might take next semester off. I figured that would be a good time to relocate,” Natie shared. “What’s that hottie’s name, the one who owns your house? Does he have any more rental properties on the Island?”

“I’m sure he does…and he is a hottie,” Becki agreed. “I’ll be glad to make the sacrifice and find out for you,” she graciously offered.

“I’m sure you would,” Natie said, mocking her sister. “Have you talked to Jenna lately?”

“She Facebooked me just the other day,” Becki said as she poured another glass of wine. She had spit most of her other glass out. “She had some new ink she wanted me to see.”

“Tweedy Bird,” Natie said laughing.

“Yep, that’s it. She also got nipple rings, but she didn’t send me pics of those. Thank God,” Becki said grimacing. That was just way too much for her. Those had to hurt like a mother.

“Just wait. I’m sure you’ll be able to catch them on Facebook,” Natie teased.

“Probably,” Becki agreed.

Jenna was a free spirit. She was into body piercings and tattoos, liked to smoke a little pot, and ride her Harley. She reminded Becki of a chocolate covered cherry-- hard on the outside and mushy on the inside. Jenna also had a pet snake that Becki and Natie were not so fond of. She insisted that he was a real “sweet heart.” But even so, they made her leave him at home, when she visited one of them.

“You should so get Jenna to come with you,” Becki said.

“Oh God, can you imagine the three of us together on an island? That place would never be the same! Me with my boobs hanging out, her with tattoos and piercings everywhere, and you trying to get us all drunk. I’m not sure the locals could take it. And then there’s the “midnight ride”. That alone would probably get her thrown in jail!”

Jenna liked to ride her Harley in the buff during the full moon. She had tried to talk Becki and Natie into it several times but hadn’t been successful, yet.

It was nice to hear Natie so happy. It had been a long time since Becki had heard that sparkle in her voice.

“You should ask her anyway. She might be ready for a change,” Becki urged.

“I will; next time I talk to her. I have to figure out what I’m going to do before I pull her into the mix,” Natie reasoned.

A call beeped in, and Becki saw it was Clarissa. “I need to take this call, Natie. It’s Clarissa…and Kurt is out on the boat.”

“Ok, we’ll talk later. Bye,” Natie said before disconnecting the call.

Becki picked up Clarissa’s incoming call.

“Hi, Hon. What’s up?” Becki asked as she Copyright 2016 - 2024