Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,101

away she said, “Come closer, gentlemen, we have plans to make.”


Becki had heard the guys leave much earlier, but she felt safe. She knew Landon had stationed guards nearby to protect them through tonight. She also knew Royce and Kurt would not let them stay if there was even a hint of danger.

“Let’s finish up your packing, girls, and then we will get down to business,” Becki proposed.

Two hours later, forty bright pink toes winked up from the floor of the kitchen as they waited for the popcorn.

Beep, beep, beep. Everyone scattered as if it were a gunshot signaling the start of a race.

“I’ll get the pillows and blankets,” Leann called running upstairs.

“I’ve got drinks,” Clarissa said filling cups with ice.

“Mandy, check under the couch,” Becki suggested as she grabbed the popcorn bowls.

Mandy yelled, “Check,” as she pulled out the four boxes of candy Becki had stashed earlier under the couch.

“Three minutes and counting ladies,” Becki called. They had been through this routine again and again always trying to beat their best time. “Leann, TV. Mandy, DVD. Clarissa, lights.”

Dropping to the floor with the last big bowl of popcorn, Becki checked the time. “Woohoo! We shaved fifteen seconds! Good job girls!”

“Yessss,” Leann cheered.

“Awesome,” Mandy added.

Clarissa laughed, giving Becki a high-five.

Snuggling in with the girls, she had to smother a laugh when Mandy commented, “He’s so hoooot!”

Clarissa wasn’t as polite. “Mandy, he’s too old for you.” Fluttering her eyes, she continued, “He’s more my age.”

They enjoyed a laugh, and then hit rewind to watch the part they had missed.

Becki released a contented sigh as she waited for her hot man to finish up for the evening. She looked forward to their hot lifetime together. Life was good. Actually, life was great.

* * * *


Royce sighed in frustration and dropped his head in his hands. Where the hell was she? They had been looking all night…scouring the waters around her last known location.

The sun had risen an hour ago, and still they had not made any headway.

Royce dropped Becki a text message to let her know they were still working, and she might have to take the girls to the airport.

Becki had responded, Luv U B Safe. I will take care of girls.

Royce smiled and sent, Luv U2 thx.

“Royce,” Landon yelled. “You need to get up here…now!”

Royce sprinted up the steps hoping to find out what Joanna had been up to. What had she been thinking? Her renegade behavior needed to stop. She was part of a team and needed to start acting like it. Unfortunately, he would have no choice but to ground her. Maybe a few weeks in an office, with nothing to do but file paperwork, would give her time to reflect on what it means to be part of a TEAM.

Royce’s mind was made up as to the necessary course of action. He was even more than ready to explain to Joanna why it had come to this. As he reached the top step, Royce was stunned by what he saw; a very beautiful, very familiar, very pissed-off Witch. Unfortunately, it was not the Witch he had expected.

She was seated on one of the captains’ chairs in a deceptively relaxed pose. If the sparks shooting from her eyes were any indication of her disposition, it was going to be bad.

“Tammy,” Royce acknowledged warily.

“Dad,” Royce nodded toward the distinguished well-built gentleman.

The fact that his father, Aaron, was present told him the potential for disaster was imminently near. Royce was unsure whether his father was here to protect him from Tammy, or here to back Tammy up when she kicked his ass.

“Son, what is going on here?” Aaron asked tightly. Royce felt the scales tipping slightly toward the probability of the latter.

“I’m not sure I know,” Royce admitted warily scrubbing his forehead. “I’m working on figuring it out.”

“Why is Wolf-boy here?” Tammy asked. She was obviously in a foul mood and not in the mood.

Landon stiffened instinctively and then relaxed as he wisely stifled a laugh. Joanna had called him “Wolf-boy” the first day they met. The apple obviously didn’t fall far…. He had been taken aback when the distinguished pair suddenly appeared on the boat, not knowing whether they were friend or foe.

Witches were notoriously short tempered and not inclined to mingle with Were. Likewise, Werewolves did not suffer the presence of a Witch voluntarily. As soon as he scented them, he had recognized their connection to Royce and Joanna.

He had known that Joanna’s mother was a Witch. Copyright 2016 - 2024