Translation of Love - By Alice Montalvo-Tribue Page 0,90

is done.”

“Is it always gonna be like this if we stay together?”

He lets go of my face and picks up my hand again. “Not if. We are staying together, and no, it won’t always be like this. I fired my mother as my manager. Alex is taking over for the remainder of the promotional and concert tour. I don’t know if I will ever forgive her for all that she’s done, but even if I do, you’ll never have to see her again if you don’t want to.”

“I can’t think about that right now. Right now, all I wanna do is move on.”

“I’m okay with moving on as long as we do it together. I promise you that I will never let anyone hurt you again, Babe.”

Victor keeps telling me that he won’t let me go that easily and I finally realize that those words are a promise, a promise that he always intends to keep. He’s a fighter, always willing to battle on, to make sure that we come out together at the other end. Even though he’s had to battle several people to make sure that we stay together, it hits me that the biggest threat to this relationship has always been me. Me and my inability to believe in a happy ending, always expecting him to let me down or hurt me. The whole time I was allowing myself to experience a relationship with Victor, I never allowed myself to think in terms of the future. I would only let myself think of the here and now with no regard to the possibility of a real life with him.

“I want us to figure it out together. I should have stayed and listened to you, instead of running away yet again. I swear that I’ll never do that again. I love you.”

“I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say that again. I love you too, Babe.” He leans over and places a gentle kiss on my lips, careful not to hurt me.

“When I woke up and saw that you were here, deep down, I was really happy.”

“There’s no where else I would be. Now go to sleep.”

“Demanding as ever. What about you? Where are you gonna sleep?”

“This chair pulls out into something that resembles a bed.”

I giggle but have to stop because it hurts. “You can go and come back in the morning.”

“You’re in pain?” He stands up presses the call button for the nurse. “I’m staying here.” There’s no point in arguing with him. I know he’s not going anywhere and I really don’t want him to. Having him here makes me feel like I’m protected. The night nurse comes in and gives me some pain medication while Victor gets his makeshift bed ready. I’m able to sleep peacefully with the knowledge that this nightmare is coming to an end and when tomorrow comes, Victor and I will be together.

The doctor comes to release me from the hospital not long after breakfast. I’ve never been so happy to go home and Victor says he’s just happy that he can sleep in a bed again. He knew that it would be too hard for me to get into his Range Rover with my bruised ribs so he had Alex drop my car off at the hospital last night. That’s the thing about Victor, he’s always thinking ahead, doing his best to make things easier for me. It’s one of the many reasons that I love him.

When we get home, everyone is there waiting for me. Even Rob makes an appearance. Victor helps me walk inside, pouting because I refuse to let him carry me in. The smell of food engulfs my senses as we walk into the house and I know that my dad has been cooking. I make the rounds, saying hello and hugging everyone until Victor freaks out and makes me sit on the couch. Before I met Victor, I was alone most of the time. I kept to myself often and rarely had guests over to my house, with the exception of Jordan. Seeing everyone here, laughing, talking, eating and getting along, warms me up inside. I realize that meeting Victor brought me back to life, brought the real me back to my family, not the woman who I was pretending to be. It feels good to let go of all of the armor that I used to protect my heart for so long, to let myself be free to love the people around me Copyright 2016 - 2024