Translation of Love - By Alice Montalvo-Tribue Page 0,88

microwave across the hall, I can heat it up for you.”

“That would be good, thanks.”

He smiles at me and picks up the cup of soup. “I’ll be right back.”

Moments later, Jordan enters the room carrying a shopping bag and one of my gym bags. She takes one look at me and bursts into sobs. “Oh my God, sweetie, I’m so glad you’re okay. You scared the shit out of me.” She sets the bags down, takes the seat closest to the bed and grabs my hand.

“I’m alright, Jordan, just a little sore,” I say, trying to comfort her.

“Thank God Victor got there when he did, Elle. It could have been so much worse.”

“Don’t cry, it’s over now. I’m okay and I just gave my statement to the police. Brian isn’t gonna get away with this.”

“I know. I brought you a change of clothes. I saw Victor in the hall and he said you’re going home tomorrow. That’s great news.” I nod in agreement. “He hasn’t left your side, not once. We’ve been bringing him food from the cafeteria. Alex and I just came from the mall. We bought him some clothes so that he could shower here.”

“Yeah, he hasn’t let anyone kick him out, not even me.”

“Have you gotten a chance to talk?”

“Not yet.”

“When you finally do, just listen to him first, okay?”

As if on cue, Victor comes back in. Jordan and I both look at him. He smiles. “Why are you two staring at me?”

“Were we staring?” Jordan turns back to me. “I’m gonna let you eat dinner. I’ll drop by to see you after you get settled back at home.” She gets up and kisses me on the forehead.

“Thanks, Jordan,” I say.

“You’re welcome.”

Victor helps me sit up further and slides the tray table over the bed. On the tray is the cup of soup Victor heated up, some crackers, Jello, hot tea and apple juice. He chuckles. “What can I say, it’s hospital food. I’ll make sure you have a much better selection at home.”

“No, this is fine, thanks.”

“Okay, you eat that. I’m gonna take a shower in the fabulous shower you’ve got in there.”

I let my eyes roam over him from head to toe. “Yeah, sounds like a good idea.”

He laughs. “Alright, smartass, I’ll be back.” He picks up the shopping bag that Jordan left behind and goes to the bathroom. I focus my attention on eating my meal, thankful to have something warm in my stomach.

“Where’s Victor?” I look up from my tray to see Gavin leaning against the doorframe.

“He’s in the shower.” He pushes off the doorway and enters the room, sitting down next to me.

“I just wanted to check on you before Dad and I leave.”

“I’m okay.”

“I shouldn’t have left you. I was there and I left.” I can see the guilt in his eyes.

I reach out and take his hand. “Hey, you had no way of knowing. I’m the idiot that answered the door in the first place. I just assumed it was Victor coming after me, I didn’t even bother to check the peephole.”

“Victor’s a good man, Elle. Give him a chance.”

“I’m not making any promises but I’ll hear him out. That’s all I can agree to right now.”

“Good enough,” he says, releasing my hand and getting up. “I’ll drop by the house to check on you tomorrow.”

“Okay, go home and get some rest.”

I’m finishing up my Jello when Victor strolls out of the bathroom in dark grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. My pulse quickens at the sight of him, looking completely refreshed and just plain hot.

“You just missed Gavin,” I say trying to ignore the reaction that my body is having to him. “He and Dad are leaving. He said they’d drop by the house tomorrow.”

“Good. How was your dinner?”

“Strangely enough, it wasn’t so bad.”

He pulls the table so that it’s out of my way. “Your pain meds should be coming soon. You wanna lay down?”

“Yes,” I reply softly. He’s being so good to me. It’s hard to stay angry with him when all I really want to do is let him hold me. He helps me get comfortable and sits down next to me.

“It’s time for you to hear me out, Babe. I’ve let this go all day, let you get your rest but now it’s time for you to listen.” I take a breath and nod my agreement. It’s time to get this over with and hear what he has to say.

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