Translation of Love - By Alice Montalvo-Tribue Page 0,86

answer my calls, I couldn’t take it anymore. I hopped on a plane and came to see you. When I got there, that son of a bitch was kicking you. You were unconscious on the floor. I thought he killed you.” His eyes start to water. “I pulled him off of you and started beating the shit out of him. I would have killed him if your dad and Gavin didn’t show up. They were coming to check on you. They pulled me off of him and called 911. You’ve been unconscious for almost 36 hours.”

“You beat Brian up?” It’s funny that’s all I can process from that story.

“He’s in this hospital somewhere,” he says, grabbing my hand. I pull away from him quickly, the movement causing a sharp pain to surge through me. “Shit, Babe, you’re in pain. Let me call the nurse,” he says, getting up and pressing the call button on the bed.

“I want you to go, Victor. Just go and leave me the hell alone.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you hear me out. I know you’re in pain but there are things you need to know.” He’s trying to remain calm but there’s a hint of desperation in his voice.

“I know everything that I need to know. Just please go.” He shakes his head at me.

We’re at a stalemate, my mouth is telling him to go but the rest of me wants him to stay. I hate myself for still wanting him after everything that’s happened but a part of me wants to hear him out. A part of me wants to believe that there’s more to this story than meets the eye. Victor’s mom worked with Brian to break us up. Is it too much to think that maybe she did other things?

The nurse walks in before I can say anything. “Well it’s nice to see you awake.” The first thing I notice is that she’s super tall and thin, with kind, dark eyes. “I’m your nurse, Wendy. How are you feeling?” she questions as she checks my vitals.

“I’m really sore. My mouth is dry.” Victor gets up and pours me a glass of water. The nurse gives him a smile and adjusts the bed so that I’m able to drink.

“Your vitals are good, sweetheart. I’ll get you something for the pain and call the doctor.”

“Thank you.” She gives me a smile and leaves me alone with Victor. “Where’s my family?”

“Jordan and Alex just left. They went to your house to straighten up and get you some clothes. Your dad and Gavin are in the cafeteria and Gemma is at a friend’s house. They didn’t want her to see you like this.”

I nod. I don’t want her to see me like this either. “Do you want to say what it is you came to say so that you can leave?”

“I’m not leaving, I told you from the beginning I wasn’t gonna let you go that easy I meant it.”

I want to argue but the truth is, deep down I want him to fight me, to break me down and get me back to that place where I’m happy again. I hear movement, and look to the doorway to see Dad and Gavin. Their faces are hard, angry. They look like they haven’t slept in days.

“Hey, guys.” I manage to get out. There are no pleasantries exchanged. They’re pissed off and it shows. Gavin sits down but says nothing, just runs his hand through his messy hair. Dad walks over to me, placing a kiss on my forehead. He stands up straight and with determination in his voice finally speaks to me. “You will not let him get away with it this time, do you understand me, Elizabeth?” He never calls me Elizabeth, just kiddo or Elle. “You let him walk last time but this time I fucking forbid it! You will talk to the police. That motherfucker will never touch you again.”

“Okay, Dad.” I have no intention of letting Brian get away with what he’s done, not again.

“Good. I’ll make sure an officer comes in to talk to you today. The sooner the better.”

Nurse Wendy returns carrying a small cup with what I can only assume are pain meds. “Why don’t you all go and let her get some rest. You can sit in the waiting room.”

Dad nods at her, Gavin gets up to leave. Victor does not budge. He squares his shoulders and looks Nurse Wendy in the eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”

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