Toxic - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,60

were hazing me, and I got it. I’d had Maria kicked off the team. So I think it started out that way. Maria shoved me, and I went down. The next thing I knew, my face was in the water.”

It wasn’t that difficult to remember that part of the event. What was harder to swallow was Cain’s appearance. Cain, who’d looked so much like Adam in the daze of oxygen deprivation that he’d broken my heart before it had ruptured for real in the aftermath of the incident. “They were laughing and joking, but I’m good at holding my breath underwater. It’s something I’ve trained myself to do.”

“Thank the Lord for that!” he retorted gruffly.

“Then Cain walked in. I thought he was Adam at first.”

“You could be forgiven for that,” he conceded. “After all, they’re so identical it’s unnerving, and while you’re undoubtedly talented at holding your breath underwater, it’s bound to affect your faculties.”

My lips, despite my misery, twitched at his staunch defense of me. I wasn’t sure if I deserved it or not, but it was nice to have his support.

“I guess so.” Sucking in a breath as I recounted a story I’d already told the police three times, I muttered, “He took a hold of my hair and shoved my face back in. I was so startled by the thought that it was Adam that I guess—” My brow puckered. “I couldn’t control myself like I did before. I struggled, he put his foot between my shoulders and held me down. I panicked, and in the panic, I swallowed water which choked me.” I gnawed on my bottom lip. “A teacher walked in, caught everything, and I assume, hauled me out. By that point, I was unconscious. I only know that from what Robert told me.”

He patted my shoulder. “Where was Master Adam?”

“I don’t know. He was supposed to be training too, but he wasn’t there. He didn’t visit me to come see if I was okay, so I couldn’t ask him.”

Linden sighed. “They had him out of the house the second they could.” He grunted. “I like my employer, miss, but Mrs. Ramsden is a difficult woman, make no mistake.”

His statement, the kindness of his embrace, it made me nervous. “Why are you telling me this? Why are you being so nice?”

Linden’s eyes were kind. I looked at him, saw the genuine concern, and strangely, felt more at ease. He was someone I’d barely taken notice of because he never uttered a peep this summer the few times when Adam had collected me in the car with Linden at the wheel.

I’d only ever greeted him before I’d turned my focus onto Adam. Just as he’d done with me.

He was an older guy, maybe in his sixties, with a wizened face that was lined here and there, but his brown eyes were soft, and they were wrinkled at the side from smiling too much. His mouth was tilted up at the sides too, like he was always ready to laugh.

“Because you’ve a good heart, and you’ve been dealt a bad hand.”

“Some would say I’m lucky. Out of a foster home and adopted by people like the Ramsdens?” I let out a bitter laugh. “Some luck.” God, the Majors hadn’t even bothered swinging by since their first visit before Robert had darkened my hospital room—showed how much of an impact I’d made on their lives.

I thought of Louisa, of their grief, and I forgave them their inherent dislike of hospitals, but it didn’t make the lonely hours I’d been stuck in that ward much better.

“Exactly. Some luck.” He patted my hand. “But Janice and I will be there. Mr. Robert and Mrs. Anna, they’re not often at home. We’ll make things right for you. As right as we can.”

There was something he wasn’t telling me. Some reason that he was being so kind, but I’d take it.

I needed all the kindness I could get in the upcoming days.

I’d be back at school within the week. I’d have to face the same crowd of strangers as I had before, but Adam wouldn’t be at my side. At least, he’d be there, but he wouldn’t be mine, would he?

He was hers.

Maria Lopez.

The bitch who’d kicked my feet out from under me, who’d tried to hurt me first.

It was stupid when there wasn’t a side to take, but it felt like he’d sided with her over me. Like he was going to her defense when I was the one who needed Copyright 2016 - 2024