Toxic - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,108

knew I wouldn’t answer whatever question she wanted to throw at me. I was in control here. Not her.

I knew she wanted to ask, ‘How could they right their son’s wrong?’

But I couldn’t answer, ‘Because Anna wanted to look good in the polls,’ could I? The truth definitely wasn’t an acceptable answer.

She cleared her throat, a rueful smile making an appearance, and I wondered if she knew what I was thinking, then, she inquired, “You’re still close with them, aren’t you? I think I saw photos of you all together after your first win.”

Because that was an understatement, I rolled my eyes at her. “Everyone saw that picture.”

Her grin was sheepish. “You’re very photogenic.”

“Hardly,” I scoffed.

“Together, you’re even more so. There was speculation that you and Adam were an item. Is that true?”

“No. It’s not. We’re just friends.” God, how I choked on that lie.

She hummed her disbelief at that, and I couldn’t blame her. “The camera doesn’t lie. Your chemistry was enough to go viral.”

I shrugged. “I can’t control what goes around social media.” Even though I knew she was right. Hell, the power of that image had been enough to make Adam come to my dorm at the Village… Seeing was believing.

“True.” Renee smiled at me, and asked, “What’s your next move?”

“I’m going on vacation. I’m excited.” It was off schedule. I was supposed to return home, but after the last couple of nights, I needed a break. I didn’t even care if my missing the champion’s welcome home tour caused a shit storm. I needed some time to myself.

I needed to find some peace.

“Where are you going?”

Warily, I eyed the recorder, and she laughed, then switched it off. “Off the record.”

“The Gold Coast. I’ve always wanted to go there.”

“Well, have a great time. You’ve certainly deserved it.”

“My Coach doesn’t know yet,” I said around a laugh. “He’d have me leaping straight back into training, but I just need a break. Need to get my head screwed on. I had high hopes for the Olympics, but hopes can be dashed. It’s weird to think that, this time, everything panned out as I’d dreamed.”

Renee smiled at me—oddly enough, it was a genuine smile. “I think you deserved it. And look.” She reached into her jacket pocket, pulled out a card, placed it on the table, then sent it floating over to me. “This is my number. I know what it means to come from an abusive family. If you ever need to talk, off the record,” she qualified once more, “then I’d like to think I’m a good ear.”

I frowned at her. “But my misery might make a good story.”

Her snort said it all. “You picked me for a reason, Thea.” She was right. I had. “I’m not rabid and desperate for a story. I like to report the news as I see fit.”


“Whatever we talk about, we can talk about in confidence. Half of what you told me today won’t be included in the interview that goes live in the papers.”

“Why not? I thought it would be juicy. A lot of that’s public record.”

“True, and maybe someone else will uncover it, but I won’t be that person.”

My brow puckered. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“I’m a nice person in general. Not suited, at all, for journalism,” she admitted wryly. “I don’t have the cutthroat attitude that a lot of people in my line of work need to get the story. But you? Your story? It resonates with me.”


“Because I was like your mom. Only, I got out.”

My eyes flared wide. “How?”

“Lot of help from women’s centers around the country.” She bobbed her head, swallowing a couple of times like she was choking on the memories. “It was hard, and even though I had the law on my side, he’d still ignore the restraining orders. I switched towns, then cities, then states, and he never really let up.” A shaky breath escaped her, and the shadow of fear in her eyes spoke more than words ever could. “I only really breathed easily when he was dead.”

“How did he die?” I asked softly.

“Car accident. No, I wasn’t behind it,” she teased. “But I wish I had been. Some days, I really wish I had.”

Those shadows overtook her, and I reared back when I saw them bleed out of her features, her expression, and morph into the air around her until she was surrounded in them.

A faint pulsing began to throb through the light, and I realized it was Copyright 2016 - 2024