Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,98

“If your little fucked up game has killed her, I’m coming after you, Carrington. All of you fuckers will go down for this.”

“If we go down, you’re fucking coming with us,” Jude spits at him. “You could have dived in, but you didn’t. If she’s dead, then that’s on you too.”

Fuck. My poor Milo.

He’ll forgive me, he has too.

“Shut the fuck up,” Colton roars. “I have to give her CPR.”

I feel the heat of Colton’s lips hovering above mine, ready to start saving my life and I decide that enough is enough. For him to think that he’s about to start CPR means that I’ve taken this far enough.

My eyes spring open and I grin up at him. “Well, who would have known that you cared so much?”

His face drops, realizing that he’s just been played. He rears back from me. “That’s fucked up,” he roars and I hear Milo’s breath of relief. “I can’t … FUCK.”

Colton flies to his feet and within moments, he’s slamming his way out the door with a pissed off Charlie right on his heels. Spencer meets my eyes and shakes his head before following and then I’m left with Jude staring down at me.

He doesn’t say a word, just starts walking away as though he never did a thing. “This isn’t over,” I call after him, glad that he’s just witnessed how fucking crazy I can be. “I’m going to take you the fuck down, Jude, and when I do, you’re going to wish you never met me.”

He slams through the door but I know that he got my message loud and clear.

“Colton was right,” Milo says, dropping to his knees beside me. “That really was fucked up.”

“I know,” I say with a cringe. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you like that, but I’d already started and I wasn’t going to back down.”

“Scared?” he laughs. “Girl, I wasn’t scared. That was all acting. I saw the breath you took the second you broke through the water. You made a fool of him, but you better be armed, he’s going to come back swinging and when he does, you better be prepared.”

Chapter 21

I sit cross-legged on the sunbed while looking down at my stupid math textbook. It’s been yet another shitty week. The sun has just set on Saturday night, taking my boys away with it, though I shouldn’t have been surprised. Saturday nights are their time to shine. It’s when the Black Widows come out to play and they can hardly do it while chilling out in Bellevue Springs. I mean, who would scare the teenagers into obedience if they’re not there to do it? It’s not like Nic’s father is actually going to go out and get the job done. He’d rather send his son into shitty situations.

God, I hate that guy. It’s hard to believe someone so vile could be related to Nic. The only thing they share is their looks, everything else is completely different. He’s the type who would willingly throw his men under the bus just to save himself. He's a real asshole.

I bring my attention back to the textbook. I’ve only been staring at it for fifteen minutes, but it’s been a long fifteen minutes. Usually, my struggle to concentrate comes from my lack of interest in the work, but tonight, it’s Colton.

Lately, it’s always Colton.

He’s having a party in the main house and all of Bellevue Springs must be here. There are people lingering everywhere. It’s so not my scene. My idea of a fun Saturday night is chilling with my boys back at home. We’ve always kept away from the party scene. Bad shit always went down at parties and the more people at a party, the more witnesses there were. In our town, witnesses meant jail time.

Music thumps heavily through the property and despite how badly I’m itching to go over there and take a quick peek, I keep my ass parked on the sunbed. Hell, I don’t even care if I actually read one damn word in the textbook tonight. It’s open on my lap and that’s all I need. It’s my distraction, and if someone comes creeping out here, I have all the right to tell them to fuck off and to quit disturbing me. Though in all honesty, the textbook is more of an excuse. Without it, I’d just look like a jealous idiot who didn’t get invited to the popular guy’s party.

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