Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,47

When was the last time you got dick?”


Milo continues as though I didn’t even speak. “I’d offer you mine but you’d have to put a paper bag over your head and strap your titties down. I can't have them bouncing around and ruining my flow.”

Realizing this is Milo’s way of bugging me until I give in, I let out a frustrated groan and get it over and done with. “I had just taken a shower so I was walking around my room naked and got in bed, then you know …”

“You were spanking the monkey?” he supplies helpfully with a grin.

“Spanking the monkey?” I question. “What the fuck is that?”

“You know, jerking the gherkin.”

“I don’t have a gherkin.”

Milo groans. “You know what I mean. You were getting off and from the way you can’t stop scowling at the prick across the room, I’m assuming it was him you were thinking about.”

Heat floods my cheeks and I let out a huff. “Okay, yes. I was getting off to the thought of Colton and I was just about to the good part when I realized he was in the room. He’d watched me strut around naked, climb into bed, and start going to town on myself and didn’t say a damn word.”

Milo howls with laughter. “You’re fucking kidding me?”

“I wish I was.”

“What did you do?”

“What do you think I did? I gave him the worst case of blue balls to ever exist and then told him to fuck off.”

“You’re my fucking queen,” he declares, giving me a pathetic excuse of a bow while he remains seated beside me. “Personally, I would have just fucked him and called it a day.”

“Yeah, well something tells me that when it comes to Colton Carrington it’s never quite that simple.”

“You’d be right about that,” he tells me. “So, what are you going to do for revenge?”

“Revenge is such a harsh word. I like to call it returning the favor,” I grin. “But so far, I don’t know. I’ve been too pissed to even think about it.”

“Well,” he grins, spinning his phone between his fingers. “Maybe I could be of help until you come up with something good.”

My eyes narrow at him and I watch as he unlocks his phone and pulls up a website. He starts entering details and a second later, puts the phone down on the table. “Watch,” he smirks, looking pointedly across at Colton.

My brows furrow but I do as I’m told and watch as Colton receives a message to his phone. He reads over it, his eyes going big and then panic taking over. “FUCK,” Colton roars through the cafeteria before grabbing his blazer off the table and stalking out.

I gape at Milo. “What did you do?”

“There’s a site you can go to where you can anonymously send someone an alert saying that they need to go and get checked for an STD.”

Laughter rattles me but my phone rings and I don’t have a chance to tell him how freaking brilliant he is. “Oh,” I say, spying Nic’s name on my screen. “I’ve got to take this.”

Milo nods as I push up from my seat and bring the phone to my ear. “Hey, Nic. What’s going on?”

“It’s your lunchtime, right? I’m just checking in. I didn’t hear from you yesterday.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. It was a bad day and my phone was gone.”

“What do you mean gone?”

I let out a sigh and give him a quick rundown. “The pricks at school thought it’d be funny to steal all my things while I was showering after PE. There was all this bullshit that came after that. I don’t know what happened to my clothes, but I got my phone back late last night when Colton snuck into my room and watched me getting off.”


“Shit, dude. Calm down.”

“Calm down? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I handled it.”

“Oh, yeah? And how did you handle it?”

I go quiet. That’s not exactly a story I want to be sharing with Nic. I can only imagine what kinds of shit he’d do. After all, the boys were more than happy to fuck up Jude the other day. If Nic found out the guy got a look at me naked and put his hands on me … fuck. It’d all be over.

“Yeah … that’s what I thought,” he says just as the bell sounds throughout the cafeteria.

I cringe, knowing he’s not going to like this. “Hey, I’ve got to go. The bell went off.”

“What? But I only just Copyright 2016 - 2024