Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,122

easiest option. If you were in love with me, the idea of sleeping with another woman would have made you sick, just like it did to me.”

“Don’t you fucking tell me what I’m feeling.”

I clench my jaw and watch him as his chest rises and falls with rapid movement. There’s a storm brewing behind his eyes and if I keep pushing, I'll see the man his father has always pushed him to be—demanding, relentless, and forceful. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll never hurt me, but he sure as hell will put me in my place if he feels the need. I’ve never had a problem with it because I always give it right back, but that’s not what I want for my night here.

I jump down from the counter and step into him with a heavy sigh, putting my hands at his waist. “I didn’t come here to fight. Can we just have a good night together? I missed you guys and wanted to see you after another big week.”

Nic watches me for a silent moment before giving in and pulling me to his chest. His arms wrap around my waist as his lips press to the top of my head. “I know, I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight either. Having you so far away all the time and surrounded by those people just gets to me. It’s driving me crazy not having you close. I like to keep a close eye on you and that’s not so easy anymore.”

“Hey,” Elijah’s voice comes tearing through the small apartment. “Can I remind you that you haven’t even brought that sweet ass over here to say hello yet, so wrap up your bullshit. I have a question.”

I look up at Nic. “A question?”

A wicked grin spreads across his face. “You know when you first walked in here and said that you had our backs?” I nod, narrowing my eyes in suspicion and he quickly continues. “Well, now’s your time to prove it.”

Fuck. I don’t like the sound of that but either way, I'm grateful as the small distraction seems to have helped take the tension out of the air so that Nic and I can get on with our night and actually have a good time, rather than waste the night with scowls and snappy comments.

I pull out of Nic’s arms and walk my so-called sweet ass across the room until I’m dropping down heavily on Eli’s lap. “OH, FUCK,” he growls, pushing me off his lap so hard that I go flying across the room and slam into the wall.

“What the fuck, man?” Sebastian demands, somehow already by my side and helping me up as Kairo’s heavy fist slams hard into Eli’s arm, only he doesn’t seem to notice as all his energy is focused on his junk.

There are tears of pain in his eyes and I instantly forget that the fucker just launched me across the room like a bitch who’s claiming he’s her baby daddy. “What’s wrong?” I demand, walking back over to him.

Eli meets my eye and there’s nothing but embarrassment there. “I need to ask you something and you can’t say no because all these fuckers already have. You’re my last option.”

My brows pull down as I try to start putting the puzzle pieces together. “What are you talking about?”

“I have to show you something.”

My eyes drop to his groin, where he’s still clutching tightly, and judging from the pain on his face, it’s not hard to work out that something’s wrong with his junk. I shake my head so fast that I fear it might come wobbling right off. “No. No way. I'm not looking at your dirty junk. I can’t. If I see that, I’ll never be able to look at you again without thinking about it.”

“Please, babe. I’m desperate. There’s something wrong and I just need to know what it is before my fucking dick falls off.”

“You know there are doctors for this kind of shit, right?”

His eyes harden and I resist laughing. “I’m not about to drop my pants for some strange doctor when you can just tell me what’s wrong. What if it’s something simple and I can just get a cream for it?”

“What if it’s not and I guess the wrong thing and it gets worse? You need a doctor.”


I look at the other guys. “Come on, why can’t you guys do this? You guys would know more about STIs and dicks than I would.”

Sebastian scoffs. “Seriously? I’m not about Copyright 2016 - 2024