Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,100

himself to his feet, grabbing my hand and hauling me up behind him. “Good. Now, you’re going to need a bikini.”

Fuck me.

Half an hour later, I sit around the pool with hundreds of bodies partying around me and I have to admit, I’m kind of having a good time. There are too many people that Colton hasn’t been an issue for me, and just as Milo had promised, Jude is passed out while Spencer is grinding against some chick in the spa.

Milo has already managed to shove two shots down my throat. I hadn’t even finished dressing and he’d already found a bottle of Vodka. I thought he was drunk when he came to get me, but it turns out I didn’t really understand the true meaning of the word because now he is absolutely wasted. I mean, damn. He’s a mess, but a good kind of mess.

He goes off to who knows where and I realize that despite his many promises about partying with me and encouraging bad decisions, I'm probably not going to see him for the rest of the night.

A girl who looks vaguely familiar walks up beside me and drops down onto Milo’s vacated sunbed and instantly falls into a chatty conversation. I don’t hear a word she says as all I can think about is how I know her. She seems so familiar. Usually, in these situations, I like to say that I probably know the person from school but in this case, I really can’t. You know, considering that she has the most perfect pair of tits staring back at me. It’s not fair. I mean, mine are great. I absolutely love them and wouldn’t change them for anything, but hers are … wow!

She’s been here for nearly ten minutes chatting before it hits me—the boat. This was the girl who came and chatted to me and made that day just a little more bearable. It’s crazy to think just how much has happened since that day.

Now confident that I know who she is, I’m able to relax back into the sunbed and listen to her chatter and just like on the boat, I find that she’s really not too bad. It's a shame I can’t remember her name but when I think about it, I’m not sure she ever offered it and after all this time, it’d probably be considered rude to ask for it now. I’ll check with Milo later.

Soon enough, girls start gravitating toward us and for some reason, they’re all fawning over the tattoo that sits over my shoulder. I guess in their clean-cut world, seeing a girl with visible tattoos isn’t something they come across every day. They’re always covered or hidden away. I don’t doubt that a handful of these girls are hiding little tramp stamps and love hearts.

One girl tells me how she wishes she could get one and before I know it, I’m racing through the massive house, collecting a bowl of things and showing them all how to DIY tattoo, doing the good old stick and poke with India ink, thread, and a needle.

Hours pass before my stomach begins growling and I go searching for food. I still haven’t spoken to Milo but I’ve been keeping an eye on him. It’s impossible not to. He seems to be everywhere. He’s so damn loud, but I don’t care because it makes watching him a shitload easier.

I wander into the house, following the smell of pizza and grin as I find the many arrays of boxes spread out over the kitchen counter. All my favorites are here and as I dig in, I’m happy to find them still warm.

Taking a bite, my eyes roll into the back of my head. This is life right here. Whoever made this pizza deserves a fucking medal. Knowing I won’t be going anywhere for a while, I grab a plate and load it up before jumping up onto the kitchen counter and watching the party as I eat.

I’m halfway through my third slice when the douche squad comes rolling through the kitchen and I groan to myself. It’s all four of them and I silently curse the stupid bitch who woke up Jude, though he seems content with ignoring my presence which I’m more than alright with. Spencer looks over me with interest while Colton just glares, looking as though he’s about to have some kind of tantrum because I had the nerve to show up at his party uninvited.

Charlie’s eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024