Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,62

too. Thrusting, pumping, until together we collapsed in a boneless mass.

I held him to me, wanting him to feel my love, even if I wasn’t brave enough to say the words.

The four months of filming had flown by in a flash. It was my last day on set, while Theo still had another couple of weeks. Today, we were filming a scene that actually occurred at the beginning of the film, even though it was the last one we were filming together. In the scene, Nicolette and Jack were at odds and engaged in a heated argument that resulted in her slapping him. Theo and I had practiced the night before, but instead of parting ways as the scene called for, we ended up naked with him spanking my ass.

We hadn’t talked about what would happen once we finished filming, but I was going with the assumption that as long as I was in the same building, and as long as he was opening the door to me when I showed up in the evening, we would continue on. That was until one of us got another job that took us away. As it was, I was seriously considering a script that would take me to Croatia for three months. The feminist in me hated that I was having second thoughts about doing it because it would take me away from Theo. If I was serious about my career, I couldn’t concern myself with a fling. I couldn’t make decisions based on a wish that Theo and I would evolve into something more than what we were.

We’d taken a break for lunch, and I was reviewing the script. Although we’d discussed it the night before, we hadn’t finished answering my questions because we’d gotten distracted by sex. Since it was the last day, I figured it would be no big deal to go to his trailer to ask him my question about the scene.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard voices inside and realized he was with somebody. I figured I’d wait a few minutes to see if they finished up and then I could talk to him. I stood outside the door and could vaguely make out Corrine’s voice. I leaned against the trailer, waiting until they were finished. Finally, it sounded like they were ending their discussion so I straightened away from the trailer, expecting her to come out.

“By the way, whatever you did to woo Madeline into getting a performance out of her during the shoot, you did a great job, Theo.”

My gut clenched. He wooed me for a performance? I shook my head because that couldn’t be right.

“I just hope that she hasn’t fallen for that wolfish charm of yours.”

“You don’t give a shit,” Theo said. “You just don’t want to look like you’re a sexist or misogynist like us men." His voice was rough and angry, but what I didn’t hear was a denial from him.

“I suppose you're right," she said. “It doesn’t sit well with me if you were seducing her simply so we could have great chemistry on set. But in the end, this is a business, Theo. We all have to do what we have to do.”

I felt physically sick.

“We have to do what we have to do,” he repeated.

I knew I was going to be sick. I hurried off to my trailer and into the restroom as my lunch came up. All this time with him had been part of a scheme to maintain the chemistry between us for the film. Here I was, falling in love with a man who wasn’t just acting on the set, but off it as well.

My stomach heaved again at how stupid I was to fall for it. When I first met Theo Wolfe, I thought he was an asshole, but now I realized he was much worse than that.

Once I emptied my stomach and brushed my teeth, my first instinct was to walk off the set. My second instinct was to go back to his trailer and give him a piece of my mind. But if I was going to have a future in the industry, I would have to be a professional. If he could act in his real life as well as on set, so could I.

I found a bottle of eyedrops and put them in my eyes to hide the redness of my tears and then I headed to makeup and hair for a touchup in case Copyright 2016 - 2024