Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,53

lips first touched hers, her taste first infused my mouth. Her soft moan was like music to my ears and I slanted my mouth to take the kiss deeper as I tugged her body closer into mine. My lips broke from hers, trailing along her jaw and toward her ear. I gently tugged on the lobe with my teeth. “I really want to squeeze your ass.”

She laughed. “You have my permission.”

Hallelujah. Both my hands went to the soft globes of her ass and squeezed as I pulled her even tighter to me and against my dick, warming it up, making it fill again. I desperately wanted to make love to her right there in the middle of nowhere in New York, surrounded by the beauty of nature. But I was well aware that we weren’t far from her grandparents’ home. And who knew if her sister was lurking around. So reluctantly I kissed her again and then moved away but still held her hand.

We sat on the banks of the pond and talked, although I’d be a liar if I said that I wasn’t frequently distracted by how fantastic she looked in her bikini. My hands itched to undo the string holding her tits in place. My mouth watered to suck her glorious nipples. But I kept my hands to myself and instead enjoyed the time just sitting with and talking to her.

I realized that being with her like this was something that I couldn’t remember ever experiencing. It was like I was a normal guy sitting in the middle of nowhere with a girl he liked. We were talking mostly about nothing and yet at the same time, the moment felt like everything. It was so amazingly normal. I didn’t know how long we sat together, but I could have stayed there forever. Soon, too soon, her sister’s voice called out from the woods that it was time to eat.

We got dressed and headed back toward her grandparents’ house. I wanted to hold her hand but I didn’t. Who knew who could be watching? Or maybe she didn’t want her family to know about us. So I would keep my distance as much as I could.

When we arrived back at the house, there was a flutter of activity as her grandmother and sister put food on the table. I stood to the side, feeling a little awkward, like I was invading their family space.

But her grandmother came up to me and put her arm through mine. “Now, you can sit right over there, next to Madeline,” she said as she drew me to a chair at the table.

“I hope those piranhas didn’t get to you,” her grandfather said.

My brow shut up to my forehead. “Piranhas?”

There was a snicker from the others at the table.

“Oh, yes. My lovely wife and I would’ve had more children if those Piranhas hadn’t gotten to me when we went swimming. Isn’t that right, dear?”

Was he saying piranhas had bitten off his dick? Instinctively, my hand covered my dick under the table.

Madeline’s grandma smiled. “Now, dear, let’s not embarrass our guest.”

Madeline and her sister let out a laugh. They were joking with me. Well, of course they were. Piranhas didn’t live in a pond in New York, did they?

Growing up, my family always ate dinner together. I was sure it was because my parents had read some parenting article somewhere that said families who ate together had smarter, better-achieving kids. It certainly wasn’t because they liked me and Oliver, although maybe they liked Oliver. But our dinners were nothing like the one I was witnessing with Madeline and her sister and grandparents. There was warmth, and laughter, teasing and supporting. But what struck me the most about it was how genuine and authentic the love they all had for each other was. My heart twisted in my chest. I couldn’t be sure if it was from envy that I didn’t get to have this, or a longing to be a part of it. Whatever it was, it left me with a melancholy.

Another aspect of dinner was the fact that they didn’t ask me anything about my work or how I got started in the business. Instead, they asked about my life growing up, of which I told them just the basics; I grew up in Southern California with an older brother and two parents. They asked about my interests which stumped me because I realized I didn’t really have any outside of Madeline. So I Copyright 2016 - 2024