Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,37

the perfect situation. I was able to spend enjoyable evenings chatting and bantering with Madeline Fox and then later touching every inch of her luscious body, giving and taking pleasure. But there was none of the complications that went with dealing with tabloid speculation. There was no pressure about a relationship or what might come in the future. She and I were enjoying each other for however long that would be.

The Door Closes


There was no doubt that sleeping with Theo was a bad idea. I was already fighting against the public notion that I was working again due to the fact that I had help from my parents, and in particular my mother. Sometimes in the entertainment world, the truth didn’t matter. What mattered was the salacious stories. If the news of Theo and my affair got out, I would be viewed as just another notch on his bedpost. I’d be just the latest in a long line of co-stars that he’d been with.

Interestingly, it wasn’t just the fact that I’d be seen as someone sleeping my way to the top, that bothered me. The idea of being just another woman in Theo’s bed bothered me as well. Whenever I thought of it, I considered ending our little affair. And yet whenever we were together, my resolve to do that completely dissipated. I enjoyed spending time with him. There was definitely more substance to him than many thought or knew. And while I had no illusions that I was special to him in a way that was different from the other women he’d been with; he did have a way of making me feel like I was the only woman he saw. I imagined that was part of his charm. It was his superpower. And I couldn’t deny the way he’d look at me. Or how he would come to me, wanting me to touch him. It made me feel womanly, feminine, and sexually powerful.

I tried not to think about what would happen when filming came to an end in the next six to eight weeks. I knew that most likely what was going on between us would end. This was just another one of those on-set affairs that was over when the actors headed off to their next projects.

But there were times when I would be lying next to him, feeling the beat of his heart under my hand on his chest and listening to his smooth, slow, steady breath as he slept, that I wondered if it might continue, since we lived in the same building. That was until I found my own place. My sister insisted I could stay as long as I wanted, and I didn’t feel like I was getting in her way since she worked all day and was out most nights of the week, “working”. Still, at some point, I needed to find my own place.

In an effort to make sure I was pulling my weight since my sister wasn’t making me pay rent, I was spending Sunday morning cleaning up the place. She had a cleaning person that came in every couple weeks to do all the scrubbing and sweeping, so there wasn’t a lot for me to do. Mostly I tidied and cleaned off the places that needed a quick scrub before the cleaning lady came next week.

My sister was away for the weekend at the Hamptons as a guest of one of her clients so I had the place to myself. When I finished cleaning up, I planned to review the script for the coming week. My agent had also forwarded a couple of new scripts for me to consider once this project was done.

I was just sitting down to have lunch and review my script for the week when my phone rang with my mother’s ringtone. She had been off in England filming a new movie and I wondered if she was calling me from there, or if she was finally back in Los Angeles.

I picked up the phone, poking the answer button. “Hi, Mom.”

“You must tell me if what I'm reading is true or just another one of those nonsense gossip stories the tabloids are putting out,” she said, forgoing a “hello” or “how are you?”.

My heart stalled in my chest. What story? “What are you talking about, Mom?”

“I got a call from one of those TV entertainment reporters asking me if Theo Wolfe was going to be my son-in-law. Well, of course I had no idea what Copyright 2016 - 2024