Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,31

fork in the noodles, twisted it, and took a bite. A burst of flavors exploded on my tongue from the vegetables and whatever herbs he’d put on them. I couldn’t help making an “mmm” sound and nodded my head.

“I’m going to take that as you like it,” he said, watching me as he loaded his fork with noodles.

“I was right. You undersold your cooking skills.”

We proceeded to eat and instead of going over the script, we talked about the day. He asked me how I thought it was going and made a joke about whether or not I was giving the crew a hard time. I responded that I never gave the crew a hard time, although I was always happy to share my thoughts and opinions.

He grinned at that and I was glad that now he found me more amusing than annoying.

When we finished dinner, he brought the plates inside and then returned back to the table with his script and more wine. I wondered if, like me, he needed a little bit of liquid courage. As we talked through the scene, I was reminded of how different it was from the work I’d done as a kid. I had to wrestle once with another girl in a movie as we fought over some toy, but that was different. We just had to scream at each other.

For him, this was probably no big deal. He’d done many in his career. I appreciated the effort he was making to ensure I felt comfortable in doing the scene.

“I figure the lead-up to this is pretty much similar to what happened in the library scene, which went well.” He looked at me as if he wanted me to either verify or deny that.

“Well, if you say it went well, then it went well.”

“So then the next part of this is walking into the hotel room, at which point Jack and Nicolette begin their scene with him pushing her up against the door.”

“Does that really happen?”

He looked up at me with quizzical brows. “Does what really happen?”

“Having sex against the door.”

He sat back and studied me for a moment, maybe wondering if my question was rhetorical, or if I was really asking. I was really asking because I’d never done it before. It seemed like something that would look sexy on screen or in a book, but, logistically, would be very difficult.

He gave me that amused smirk again. “Yes, it can happen.” With his statement, I knew he was saying that he had done it himself and not just as an actor in a scene but in real life.

“It’s not awkward?” I asked. I wasn’t sure why, except maybe because he looked a little bit embarrassed by it.

“Not awkward. It does require some strength and maybe a little flexibility. Height and weight play a role a little bit as well.”

I leaned back in my chair, intrigued. “So, it involves physics?”

He laughed. “I guess so.”

“When you were casting for the roles, did you have to consider height and weight of the couple to make sure this would work?” I knew I was being weird with all these questions. I wasn’t sure if it was because of my nerves in doing the scene, or that I just had a strange curiosity about movie sex.

He laughed. “Well, again, we have the magic of movies to compensate for that. But in real life, physical make can play a role.”

I wanted to ask him if in real life that was something he would be able to do with me. In theory, of course. But knowing that it wasn’t wise to go there, I decided to move on.

Before I could ask another line of question, he asked, “Should we block it? We can use my front door.”

All my girly parts flared to life, even though I knew we were just going to be blocking the scene. There would be no real kissing or getting naked.

“Sure,” I said, hoping I sounded confident. I followed him to the front door.

He stood by the door. “When we first come in, I imagine that Jack might block Nicolette in, but he wouldn't immediately touch her,” Theo explained to me, motioning me to stand against the door. He pressed each hand on either side of my head against the door. It brought him close enough that I could feel the heat of his body and inhale the scent of him. I had to fight to stop the fogging of my brain that came when Copyright 2016 - 2024