Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,28

I’d been busy shooting the film.

“How do you feel about vampires?” Lauren Biggs, the assistant to Blaine Maxwell who was my head of development, asked.

“Are they the rip-your-neck-out kind of vampires or the sparkly kind of vampires?” I asked, taking a seat at the conference room table.

Lauren shrugged and tossed the script aside. “It’s somewhere in between. I’m not sure it’s unique enough.”

“We have a lot of space monsters, a couple romcoms, a spy thriller and one suspense,” Blaine said, sitting across from me as he went through the pile of possible projects.

“Do any of them look promising? Something that is unique and interesting, not cheesy or hokey?” I asked.

“A couple of them have potential.” Blaine looked over at Lauren, who nodded in agreement. “Even the vampire one could work.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not sure I want to go down that path.”

“I’ve been reading this book that is sort of an alternative history, dystopian type thing that I think might work,” Lauren said. She pulled the book from her bag and slid it over to me.

I picked it up, looking at the cover. “This is for me to read?”

“Well, I haven’t quite finished it yet, but so far it’s pretty good and I’ve already made inquiries to find out who the author’s agent is.”

“Can you arrange to get me another copy and I will take some time to read it,” I said, sliding the book back to her.

“Sure thing,” Lauren replied. “So, how’s filming going? We’ve seen some of the dailies," She fanned her face. “Whew, you and Madeline Fox have some serious chemistry going on.”

“Who would have thought that spunky little Maddie Fox would turn out to be so hot?” Blaine quipped.

I frowned, not liking the idea that Blaine was ogling Madeline. “How did you see those?”

“We are part of the production company, Theo, so we know a few people who know a few people and we were able to arrange to see a few of the dailies,” Blain said with a shrug.

“Aside from thinking Madeline Fox is hot, what do you think so far? Does it seem to be coming together?”

“Yeah, it looks pretty good. All we’ve seen is raw footage, but it looks pretty good. I figure you’ll have a hit out coming out of the gate on your first production,” Blaine said.

“You know, like you, I wasn’t sure if Maddie Fox could pull it off, but Blaine’s right, she looks hot and she really seems to embody the character of Nicolette Vane. She’s giving Jack Cole a run for his money,” Lauren observed.

Nicolette Vane wasn't the only one giving me a run for my money.

Over the next few days, my filming schedule didn’t involve Madeline. We had multiple crews and so while she was working in one location, I was off working in another. Or I was here at the company offices dealing with business. Somehow, Madeline and I also managed to not run into each other in the elevator or anywhere. Initially, I kept anticipating, even hoping that I would, but as time went on, I recognized that maybe it was for the best that we didn’t. Not seeing her would give me time to come down from that phenomenal kiss.

A week later, when I was reviewing our schedule, I noted that the sex scene was coming up the following week. Remembering that Madeline hadn’t had any experience in filming that type of thing, I wondered if maybe we should talk over how we’d perform it. Not that she wouldn’t be able to do it because I knew from the kissing scene that she absolutely knew what to do. But she also had admitted to being worried about the kissing scene. And that day in the elevator when I kissed her, she’d shown some vulnerability and concern that perhaps it hadn’t come through on film.

This particular sex scene was going to be fairly graphic for the R rating it would receive. While there would’'t be any nudity, there certainly would be a lot sensual, erotic elements. And it was a fairly long scene that would take some time to film because it covered a variety of locations starting against the door until finally ending in a bed.

The next day, I headed down to the location where Madeline would be filming a scene with her Interpol team. I stood out of sight and watched as she worked with the other cast and crew, doing a scene where her team was challenging her on her commitment Copyright 2016 - 2024