Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,26

of me, his hands holding the railing on either side of me as he leaned in. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

Almost as soon as Theo’s lips came down on mine, the elevator bell dinged, the car came to a stop, and the doors slid open. I was about to curse my luck, but Theo gripped my hips, holding me tight, and it was clear he didn’t intend to heed the bell. Instead, he turned me and walked me out the door, his lips still sliding along mine, creating the most delicious sensations.

With our lips fused together, he began to walk me to my door, but apparently it was a little too awkward and cumbersome because he wrapped his arms around me, lifted and carried me step by step, his lips sliding and gliding until they parted, and his tongue slipped into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on as his kiss heated every neuron in my body.

I’d been kissed before but never like this and it wasn’t just because he was carrying me and kissing me as he brought me to my door. Theo’s lips were soft against mine and yet at the same time were firm as he sought what he wanted. His tongue was also soft and hot as it tangled against mine, making me moan with sweet pleasure.

When he reached my door, we bumped into it with a small oomph but our lips held. He lowered me to the floor, and his hands slid around just above my backside as he slanted his mouth and took the kiss even deeper. A low rumbling growl sounded in his chest.

I wanted to tell him that it would be okay if he wanted to grab my ass now. But my mouth was too busy drinking him in. Finally, by slow degrees, he turned the heat down until finally he lifted his head and stepped back.

I wanted to open my door and invite him and at the same time I knew that it wasn’t a wise move. After all, I didn’t want it to appear that I had slept with him to get my job. So it was best not to take things any further.

I looked up at him, my breath heaving in and out. His breath was harsh as well, and he stared at me with a mixture of frustration and confusion.

“I should probably get back to the elevator and up to my floor,” he said, jerking his thumb toward the elevator as he took a step back.

My heart fell. “That bad, huh?”

“Not at all. It was fucking awesome.” He let out another harsh breath. “But if I’m standing this close to you when you open that door, odds are good that I’m going to push you in and want to take this to the next level. As much as I really want to do that, it’s not a good idea.”

At least we were in agreement about that. I nodded. “Yes. I’d hate for it to get out, then everybody would think that I slept with you to get the job. It’s important to me that I get work on my own merits, and not because of my parents and certainly not by sleeping with somebody.”

He nodded his understanding. “I’m making a real effort to change my reputation. It’s important to me that people don’t think I’m just a Lothario always fucking his leading ladies. Of all my leading ladies, you’re going to be the hardest one to walk away from.”

I couldn’t stop the smile widening from ear to ear from his words. They certainly did my ego good.

“So I’m going to head up to my place and take a cold shower.” He gave me one of his lopsided grins that made him look charming and endearing all at once.

“I think I might have to do that as well.”

“You think? I’m not alone in feeling like I’m about to spontaneously combust?”

I could feel the heat of a blush on my cheek. “I know I will.”

The truth was that I’d probably get into my tub, and replay this whole moment in my mind and then imagine what would’ve happened if I opened the door and he did just as he said, push me in and take it to the next step.

“I guess I’ll see you on set in a couple of days," he said, taking another step back.

“See you in a couple of days.”

Taking a couple more steps back, he said, “Unless of course, I run into you Copyright 2016 - 2024