Touching the Billionaire - Holly Jaymes Page 0,16

that I spent several years of my childhood on a set. I knew what I was doing. Still, knowing that Theo hadn’t been sold on me for the role of Nicolette put pressure on me to do well.

When I saw the dress that I was wearing for the party scene, I studied it closely. Nicolette was an Interpol agent. She was smart and strong. She was tough, not afraid to get hurt or dirty. While she’d use her feminine assets, to a point, to get the job done, I couldn’t imagine she would go to work without the tools of her trade, such as a gun.

I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad trait that my annoyance could overcome my fears and doubts. But when I realized Nicolette was being treated as just a pretty face and sexy body, I got irritated. She was a kick-ass agent. So, my nerves evaporated and my need to advocate for my character took over. Not that anyone listened.

Irked, I made my way out to the set. When I saw Theo, I nearly forgot my annoyance. Good golly, the guy could wear a tux. I was realizing he could wear anything and look sexy as hell. I hadn’t yet seen him in anything yet that didn’t rev my girly parts. Not all handsome men could pull off all looks, from rugged, to casual, to professional, to formal. But Theo Wolfe could. Damn him. Annoyed that his well-fitted tux and easy smile could make me forget my mission, I gave him and Corrine my opinion on my character’s need to be a professional.

He was annoyed, but at least he gave in. By the time I started the scene, I had a clutch purse with a fake gun, and was assured there would be other female agents on my team by the time those scenes were shot. Yay for me!

The first scene we shot was simply me walking in the room. Easy. The dance scene was a little more challenging as Theo had that je ne sais quoi that even a strong, independent woman like me couldn’t quite not be attracted to. Before, when I thought he was just a douche, it was easy to ignore the good looks and hot body. Now that I knew he was actually quite charming; it was harder to brush off the attraction.

Proving to myself that I could deal with the way he affected me, I made my own suggestions on the scene. The way Theo’s eyes flared with heat made me wonder if he felt the steam too. Then I remembered he was acting. Thank goodness I could hide my reactions behind acting too.

However, the amount of sizzle I felt between us did give me butterflies the next day as I prepared for the library scene that included the first kiss.

I was back in the green dress with my hair up, and I had my clutch purse with the fake gun. The first scene we shot was me skulking down a hall toward the library and peeking in as I followed Theo. Nicolette was certain he was a thief and was determined to catch him in the act.

The next scene was with Theo. He walked onto the set looking like a million sexy bucks again. Corrine gave us directions and then I started toward the door where the scene would begin.

Corrine called action.

From the door, I looked at Theo leaning against the back of a couch in the library, his legs crossed as he stared at a wall of paintings.

“Why am I not surprised to find you here?” I said as my character Nicolette.

He smirked. “You know I’m bored and like to read?”

I sauntered to him, noting the amusement in his eyes as I did. I leaned back against the couch next to him.

“Since when do you read about paintings?” I asked, studying the paintings as if I was trying to decide his target.

“I got distracted.”

“Hmm,” I said with skepticism. “Why does a handsome billionaire feel compelled to steal priceless works of art?” I mused.

“You think I’m handsome?”

I rolled my eyes, and took a breath. “Why do you take things that aren’t yours?”

He crossed his arms. “How do you know that these aren’t stolen already?”

As the script directed, I turned to look at him, confused by the statement.

“They say ownership is nine-tenths of the law. If someone were to steal one of these, how long before you’d be trying to protect it from being stolen by someone Copyright 2016 - 2024