Touch by Touch (Riggins Brothers #4) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,81


“No! That’s not good enough. I need you to call them now. Right now. Royce, you have to call them. Tell them we have money. We don’t care what it costs. They need to take care of her. They need to tell her that I’m on my way. I need her!” I yell into the car.

“Marsh?” Royce’s voice is pained.

“Y-Yeah? We’re almost there,” he replies.

That’s when I notice we’re speeding. No, we’re flying through the streets of downtown Nashville weaving in and out of traffic as my little brother races to get me to my love. That woman is my fucking heart. My soul. I can’t live this life without her. I can’t. I can’t do it.

“Please,” I cry. “Please, God, please let her be okay. Please. Please. Please.” I close my eyes and rest my head back against the seat. I hear Marshall sniff, and if I’m not mistaken, a sob comes from my phone.

My brothers are torn up over this, which means it’s bad. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Running my fingers through my hair, I try to get my shit together, but it’s no use. I’m a basket case, and I will be until I can lay eyes on her. Until I can feel her skin against mine.

I just need to touch her. That’s how connected we are. I know that my touch will pull her through this. My love. Fuck me. I still haven’t told her that I love her. I started to last night on the phone. She stopped me, and even though my gut told me I needed to tell her, I didn’t. I stopped, and now she might not ever know.

“We’re here,” Marshall says.

“Good. Grant and Aurora are in the waiting room, so are Mom and Dad,” Royce says.

As soon as the car comes to a stop, I’m out and running as fast as I can to the emergency room doors. I rush to the receptionist's desk, breathing heavily, bracing my hands on the counter for support. “Aspen Steele. I need to see her.”

“I’m sorry, are you family?” the receptionist asks.

“Fuck! Am I family? She lives right fucking here.” I slam my fist over my heart. “I need to see her.”

“Con?” I turn to find Aurora standing behind me. Her eyes are red-rimmed from tears, and her face is pale.

I don’t think. I just pull her into my arms, crushing her to me. “Is she okay?” I ask Aurora.

“We’re still waiting,” she says, stepping out of my hold. She then turns to the receptionist. “This is her fiancé. Conrad Riggins. He’ll need to be on the list.”

“Of course,” the receptionist replies, typing on her computer. I assume giving me access to Aspen. “Please have a seat, and someone will be out to speak with you soon.”

“No.” I shake my head. “No. I won’t sit out here and wait. I need to see her.”

“Sir, I’m sorry, but the medical staff is with her. They need time to assess her injuries. I promise they will be with you soon.”

“Come on, son.” I feel my dad’s hand on my shoulder as he guides me to the corner of the waiting room where my family is holding vigil.

“Tell me? How did this happen? How is she? Somebody needs to tell me something,” I say, pacing back and forth in front of the chairs where my family is sitting.

“Conrad,” Mom says softly. “Please sit, and we’ll tell you what we know.”

“How am I supposed to sit when my heart is somewhere in this fucking hospital, and no one will tell me how she is?”

“Conrad.” Aurora stands and comes to me. She wraps her arms around my waist, and I hold her. Aspen is her sister. If anyone is going to begin to understand how I feel, it’s her. “I can’t lose her, sis. I can’t.” My voice breaks. I hold her tightly and let the tears fall.

I break.

My legs feel weak, but I needn’t worry because I feel the arms of my family wrap around me. Grant comes first, then Marsh, and our parents. I soak up every ounce of love and support they have to give because I know we all need to be strong for her. When I finally feel as though I can stay calm, I break away and take a seat. My hand is clasped tightly around Aurora’s, and thankfully, my brother lets it ride. I need to be close to her right now.

“Tell me,” I whisper, my voice gravelly.

“At around one thirty, Rory got a Copyright 2016 - 2024