A Touch of Stone and Snow - Milla Vane Page 0,13

have said more. But if she wished to join this alliance of warriors, more should be said. “Or rather, home will not have me.”


That answer was complicated . . . yet also very simple. “I did not die when I should have.”

The woman abruptly grinned. “A trait most vexing to enemies, but a fine talent in an ally. I am Riasa. She is Laina, because if danger approaches and you try to call out all of her true names and titles, you’ll be long dead before the warning is finished”—a huff of laughter met that statement—“and this is Shim the Magnificent, who would as soon kill a human as look at one. Unless you approach him with a brush and a carrot, then he will tolerate you for a very short time.”

The big stallion’s snort sounded like amused agreement.

Lizzan smiled but only said, “We are well met.”

“So we are,” Riasa said. “Now I will tell these southerners they can hie off to the baths or travel with the caravan. If there were not another party lagging behind that is also seeking an alliance and who must be told the same thing, I would hie off to the baths myself.”

Laina frowned. Lizzan asked, “Another party?”

“Kothans, seeking help from Krimathe. They are asking us to send warriors north.”

Lizzan’s heart stopped. “It is true, then, that Koth has fallen?”

The shake of Riasa’s head left Lizzan dizzy with relief. “They have only said that their own numbers are low, and they need help defending the island against bandits.”

They. “Who travels in that party?”

“A few guards, two high councilors, and their snow-haired prince.”

Aerax. Lizzan’s gaze flew down the road. He was not with the Parsatheans. Already she knew that. Even in the midst of a snowstorm, her gaze would find him before seeing anything else. Yet he was coming. The situation in Koth must be desperate if they’d risked sending him. If he’d risked leaving the island.

Because he’d not even risked leaving with Lizzan.

Oh, and she was a fool. Such a fool. Because even now, she had a moment’s dream that he’d come for her.

But she was not why he’d come. And she could not be here when he did.

“I must go,” she said, her throat unbearably tight as she began backing away. “Forgive me. I meant to protect the caravan, but you have more help now and . . . I cannot stay.”

Brow furrowing, Laina glanced at her, then down the road.

But there was nothing else for Lizzan to say. She only slowed to collect her belongings. Running away. Not long ago, she’d been exiled from her home, branded as a deserter and a coward by an entire realm.

This was the first time she’d ever felt like one.



It was full dark when they caught up to the southerners and the caravan. The faint glow of multiple fires ahead cast shadows down the road. Immediately Aerax’s gaze began searching for Lizzan amid the train of wagons, but the night and the distance did not allow him to see much.

The Krimathean captain, Riasa, came to greet them as Aerax assisted Lady Junica to the ground. The councilor’s face was pale with fatigue and pain—and Aerax did not think he was mistaken in her relief when Riasa said that the High Daughter intended to travel slowly with this caravan to Oana, and it was there she would meet with them.

“So you will not have to negotiate an alliance while lounging aboard a periwag,” Aerax told Lady Junica.

Even her laugh was tired and pained, so he left her as soon as the Kothan guards set up her tent. Caeb had already disappeared into the jungle for his nightly hunt, while Aerax went on his own.

With the onk herd preventing the travelers from reaching a clearing, where all might gather together, camps were instead stretched out along the road. Silently Aerax made his way past them. At some fires, southerners mingled with travelers from the caravan, sharing stories and food. Others already slept. Still others were in their furs for more active reasons. He passed two Parsatheans fucking a man from the caravan—the male warrior working him from behind while the female warrior worked his front, all muffling groans with teeth set into skin.

Aerax averted his gaze, but still the sounds followed him. Again he imagined Lizzan where she was not, until warmth pooled thick and heavy in his groin.

Then his arousal was banished in a dazzling flash of pain when, for the first time, Aerax wondered if

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