A Touch of Ruin (Hades & Persephone #2) - Scarlett St. Clair Page 0,124

dress until he held her hips. “Being inside you, the feel of you gripping my cock, the way you tighten around me just before you come.”

She shivered. “You just described sex, Hades.”

“I described sex with you,” he said. “There is a difference.”

She melted against him, and their lips slammed together, tongues stroking. Pleasure rippled through her holding Hades as if she might fall apart, rising and falling on him.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Hades cursed as she moved, and the sounds of their lovemaking filled the small space.

Hades hips thrust upward, meeting her movements with furious speed. She gave a guttural cry, her fingers twisting into his hair.

“Come for me,” Persephone whispered.

“My darling,” Hades said, his fingers pressed into her skin hard and he came inside her in a gush of warmth.

Persephone collapsed against him, breathing hard, their skin slick with sweat. Her legs shook and she felt like she was floating.

He groaned.

“Fuck me,” he muttered. “I’m like a fucking teenager.”

She laughed. “Do you even know what it’s like to be a teenager?”

“No,” he answered. “But I imagine they are always horny and never quite sated.”

Hades was still inside her—hard, wet, and ready for more.

“Perhaps I can help,” she said, and lifted herself from him. She started to slide to her knees, intending to take him into her mouth when he stopped her.

“No, darling.”

Persephone frowned. “But—”

“Trust there is nothing I would love more than for you to go down on me, but for now, we must attend this gods-forsaken dinner.”

“Must we?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, pressing his finger beneath her chin. “Trust me, you will not want to miss it.”

She wasn’t so sure, but she held his gaze as she rose and sat beside him, adjusting her the layers of her skirt. She watched as Hades tried to hide his aroused flesh. It almost made her laugh. Until he glanced at her, and a sound erupted from somewhere deep in his chest.


It was a warning, and her whole body began to feel warm again. She smiled and looked out the window, immediately jolted from her reverie when she noticed the sea of mortals outside the car. The crowd seemed to go on for miles, and they were packed together, standing as close to the car as possible.

It probably shouldn’t have surprised her, given her experience at The Olympian Gala, but she had attended as a journalist then. This time, she was Hades’ fiancée.

She inhaled sharply; anxiety gripped her. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to this.

The car came to a stop, and the door opened. Immediately her vision was filled with flashing lights. Hades exited the car to a roar of adoration. They called his name, begged him to take them to the Underworld, begged to see him in Divine form.

He ignored the cries, and turned, holding his hand out for her. She took a deep breath, steeling herself.


The word comforted her, and she slipped her fingers into his palm and when he closed his strong hand around hers, it gave her the reassurance she needed to leave the cabin of the limo. When she rose to her full height beside Hades, there was chaos—the lights flashed faster, a machine gun of white light blasted her vision.

With their fingers laced, they began their walk down the swath of red carpet that led to the front of the Olympian—a grand hotel that looked like a golden wall of reflective metal. Persephone was surprise when Zofie joined them, dressed in the blue gown she’d forced her to buy for events like tonight.

“Zofie,” Persephone pulled the Amazon in a hug. She stiffened.

“Persephone, are you well?”

“Yes,” she answered. “Just happy to see you.”

The Amazon smiled.

Now and then, they were directed to a spot to pose for pictures. Hades obliged, pulling Persephone against him and slipping an arm around her. At one point, she swore she felt his lips touch her hair.

They were funneled into a reception hall with a ceiling made of glass-blown flowers. Persephone spent several minutes with her neck craned, staring at the display, but she was soon interrupted by numerous people who approached to greet her. Some were strangers, some were high ranking criminals and members of Iniquity, but a few were Persephone’s friends.


She hadn’t seen her friend and ex-roommate since they’d moved out of their apartment a week ago. She hugged the oracle tight. The blonde wore a sparkling, champagne-colored gown.

“You look beautiful!”

“Thank you—as do you,” Sybil said. “How are you doing?”

“Good. Great,” Persephone said. She couldn’t stop smiling. “How’s Aro?”


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