A Touch of Ruin (Hades & Persephone #2) - Scarlett St. Clair Page 0,116

do what you already do—give a voice to the oppressed.”

Persephone tapped her nails against the countertop, considering Lexa’s proposal. It was something she’d joked about before, but this didn’t seem funny. It felt like a real possibility. She thought of all the reasons journalism had appealed to her—she’d wanted to find the truth, serve justice, speak for the voiceless—all things she could do on her own with no Demetri and no Kal.

“Thanks, Lex. You’re amazing. I hope you know that.”

Lexa smiled, and she focused on the counter for a moment before suggesting, “Maybe...we could go sometime. Like...before. It’ll take your mind off everything.”

Persephone’s smiled.

“I’d like that.”

For the first time in a long time, Persephone felt like she might be able to heal the guilt she felt over this whole ordeal.

“I’m sorry, Lex,” Persephone said. She’d never actually apologized to her for what she’d done—for the deal she’d struck with Apollo.

“I know,” Lexa said. “But I forgive you.”


When Persephone arrived home from work, she found Sybil getting ready in her room. Her hair was curled, her makeup done, and she wore a pretty, floral dress.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Sybil said. “I needed a place to get ready and Lexa’s in the shower.”

“No, of course not,” Persephone said. “I just came home to check on her. How’s she doing?”

Sybil nodded. “Better.”

“Are you...going out?”

The oracle blushed. “I have a date.”

Persephone grinned, excited for her. “With who?”

“Aro,” she said quietly.

Before Sybil became an official oracle, the three had been inseparable. Persephone was glad they had reunited.

“When did this start?”

She shrugged. “We’ve always been friends and after Apollo fired me...we started talking again.”

Persephone smiled. “Oh, girl. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Seph.”

Persephone felt bad for not saying goodbye to Lexa, but she sent a text to let her know she’d be back in the morning, then teleported to the Underworld, appearing in the library. She’d had the intention of curling up by the fireplace and reading, instead, she found Hades waiting.

“What are you wearing?” Persephone giggled.

He had on a black shirt, pants, and what looked like black rain boots. She had only seen him this casual once, and that was when he came to her house to bake cookies.

“I have a surprise for you.”

“Those pants are definitely a surprise.”

He smirked. “Come.”

He held out his hand, and she took it, fingers tangling with his as he led her outside. At the front of the palace, two large, black horses waited. They were majestic, their coat glistened, their manes braided.

“Oh!” Persephone clasped a hand to her mouth. “They’re beautiful.”

The horses snorted and pawed the ground. Hades chuckled. “They say thank you. Would you like to ride?”

“Yes,” she answered immediately. “But...I’ve never...”

“I’ll teach you,” he said.

Hades guided her toward the horse.

“This is Alastor,” he said.

“Alastor,” she whispered his name, caressing his muzzle. “You are magnificent.”

The other horse neighed.

“Careful, Aethon will be jealous.”

Persephone laughed “Oh, you are both magnificent.”

“Careful,” Hades said. “I might get jealous.”

Hades handed Persephone the reins and instructed her to put her foot in the stirrup and sit on the saddle as gently as possible. He gave more direction—sink your weight, lean back, firm up your legs.

“My steeds will listen if you speak—tell them to stop, they will stop. Tell them to slow down, they will slow down.”

“You taught them?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said while mounting Aethon. “Don’t worry, Alastor knows what he carries. He will take care of you.”

They started at a snail’s pace, but Persephone didn’t mind. They’d often gone on walks, but those were isolated to the gardens and her grove, and there was something refreshing about seeing the Underworld this way. Alastor and Aethon trotted side-by-side, and Hades took her into new territory—through fields of purple and pink lupin, rimmed by dark mountains.

“How often do you...change the Underworld?” she asked.

One corner of Hades’ mouth rose. “I wondered when you’d ask me that question.”


“Whenever I feel like it,” he said.

She laughed.

“Perhaps when my magic isn’t so terrifying, I will try.”

“Darling, there is nothing I’d like more.”

They came to the end of the lupin field and continued down a narrow path between the mountains. On the other side, an emerald forest bloomed. Hades kept close to the rocky wall of the mountain. The sound of running water perked Persephone’s interest. That was when Hades stopped and dismounted.

He approached her and helped her down, his hands lingered on her waist.

“You look beautiful today,” he said. “Have I told you?”

She grinned. “Not yet. Tell me again.”

He smiled and kissed her. “You’re beautiful, my darling.”

He took

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