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his finger, I'd have to get it before it hit the floor. My eyes widened at the thought. I shook my head. It felt like I was encased in a cloud and everything was surreal. Eric moved closer to me, breathing in my ear causing me to shudder. I forgot what I was thinking.

His voice was patient. Apparently he was repeating himself, "Did you throw Brimstone dust on me?" I looked into his golden eyes and shook my head slowly, "No. No, I found you covered in Brimstone. I didn't realize what it was at first. You were in so much pain..." my voice trailed off.

Eric nodded and asked Shannon the same question. She moved slowly, like I did, with wide green eyes eager to please him. "No," she said, "I saw Ivy do it, and leave. When she came back, she kissed you. I couldn't help because I couldn't touch you...but I wanted to. I wanted to help you."

Eric was quiet for a moment, and stared at me. "Did you see the Lorren? Did it hurt you?"

I smiled softly as my head swam. "Lorren is beautiful. He healed me, he didn't hurt me Eric. Why would he do that?"

Eric arched an eyebrow at me, not understanding me. He tried again, "Ivy," he waved the drop of blood under my eyes. I sucked in with delight wanting to taste it and feel it slide against my tongue. "I need to know if the Lorren - the golden maze - made it look like a person appeared when we were separated. Did you see someone who wasn't supposed to be in the maze?"

I laughed, "You're so silly! Of course I did. Collin was there, and then later Lorren was there." I tried to place my hand on Eric's forearm, but he pulled away. Disappointment was clearly visible in my frown.

Shannon's wide green eyes stared at me confused. She asked me, "Why do I know you?" Eric distracted her by waving his finger before her again. She was fighting through the mental haze Eric had cast over us. Maybe it was his blood, maybe it was more than that. Either way I felt giddy and wanted to suck his finger. The thought shocked me and I giggled.

Eric turned to me, "Ivy, did you kill me?"

Surprised he'd ask me, I nodded, "Yes. I gave you a demon kiss. I drank your soul to try to save you." I paused, looking up at him, frowning, trying to remember. "It didn't work. You died anyway."

Eric asked us both a few more questions. Shannon said she saw me kill Eric. She said she tried to avenge his death, but that I overpowered her and sent her through a mirror. He arched an eyebrow at her as she looked up at him adoringly.

"She liked you," I blurted out. "She said I stole you from her. But you were stuck on..." I searched for her name. I could feel it on the tip of my tongue, "Lydia." Eric's amber eyes were wide. "You still loved Lydia. I only reminded you of her. You didn't love me, like Shannon thought."

Eric's voice was odd. I could hear it even through the haze. "Kiss me Ivy. Remember what I told you about Lydia when you do." Ecstatic, I moved to comply. Eric held his hands out to the side, careful not to drop the blood. I was remembering Eric telling me about Lydia and how he tried to save her and failed, and I brushed my lips against his. He shuddered at the touch, and I pulled away. My smile faded when I realized that he wasn't pleased with me. The expression on his face was displeased. He blinked at me, and shook off the expression. Shannon was sitting on the edge of her chair ready to fly out of it if I upset him. Eric held his fingers upright and the blood began to trail down his finger. He said we did well, and offered us each the thing we desired most. Shannon latching onto him until the blood was gone. He asked her to go sit in the closet and she left.

I stared at Eric, watching the drop of blood as it slid down his finger and onto his palm. I wanted it so badly, but I couldn't act. I couldn't do the thing I pictured in my mind...I couldn't slide my tongue over his palm and take what he was offering.

Eric's voice was deep, and commanding, "Take Copyright 2016 - 2024