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back tears. When I looked up there was a familiar set of eyes watching me from the cavern walls. Up high between jagged spikes of black rocks was the dragon.

I regarded him and nodded. He swooped off his perch and landed in front of me. Ignoring him, I went back to my thoughts, sitting right outside the Lorren. The beast lowered his massive body to the cavern floor, laid next to me, and curled up like a really big cat.

The dragon. Why was this thing following me? And whose was he? Kreturus'? I looked at the beast and asked, "Why are you following me? You already destroyed me when you took Collin and gave him to Kreturus. Go away." I rose, brushed the dirt off my shredded jeans and walked away from the beast. A few moments later, I felt a massive gust at my back and the dragon was gone.

The bond was pulling at me hard as I backtracked further the way I had come into the Underworld. I had to get out of this place. The longer I stayed down here, the worse things became. I needed to feel sunshine on my face and breathe fresh air. I wanted the warmth of the sun to seep into my skin and get rid of the chill that invaded me since I arrived. Although the shadows were no longer shrouding me, it was still damp and cold. I could have effonated from the Lorren to the catacombs so I could leave again, but I felt so weak. I didn't think I had enough power to keep my attention focused the way I needed to so that I wouldn't hurt myself. Effonating wiped me out when I felt fine. No, I needed to wait a little longer until I felt I could hold my focus perfectly. Until then, I'd move about on foot.

Walking through the Underworld alone sucked. It reminded me of everything I lost. My best friend stabbed me in the back. Shannon. I'd hoped she would have believed me. I'd hoped she would have been on my side. But she wasn't. And the sad part was that I had no idea when she had changed her mind. It sounded like she lived the past year thinking I was destined for Hell, but said nothing to me. It didn't make any sense. Why would she help me, then? But I couldn't get over the rage on her face, and the words she spoke cut into me in a way that wouldn't heal. Her words were painfully wedged there in my mind, forever.

I shivered when I wondered if Eric killed her. The hatred in his eyes was burning bright when he'd asked me where she'd gone. And while I want her to pay for what she did to us, I wanted to deal with her myself - so I lied. I told Eric that Shannon was in Rome, when I knew that she was really in New York. The misinformation would also keep Eric away from me longer. I seriously doubted he'd come after me again without destroying her first. And the new deranged Eric was terrifying. Hopefully Shannon realized he'd be hunting her and stay alive for a while. That way Eric wouldn't bother me and I'd have time to find her myself.

The dragon followed me as I walked. I could hear him in the distance or feel the soft wind brush my cheeks when he flew by overhead, unseen. For something so large, he moved silently. I wouldn't have noticed it before, but there were telling signs that the beast was near; like the sound of grackles that filled the air constantly - somewhere in the distance - but never too close. It was as if something was keeping them away from me. The same thing happened with the demons. None of them made a grab at me either. They were afraid of the dragon - that had to be it - because I was utterly vulnerable, weak, and completely lacking in ninja stealth. That beast was the pet of the ruler of the Underworld. No wonder they were all afraid of him.

As I was thinking about the enormous beast, he landed in front of me abruptly. I let out a shriek and clutched my chest. "What are you doing?"

The dragon looked at me, and then turned his head back toward the way we'd come. He repeated the movement several times before I realized what he wanted. Copyright 2016 - 2024