Torn - Cynthia Eden Page 0,68

I saw the way you flinched when I said her name. Saw your eyes widen and—­”

“I want my lawyer.” The words flew out of his mouth. He was in way, way over his head. “I want my lawyer now, and I am not saying another word until he gets here.” Because this was a nightmare. An absolute freaking nightmare. And there had to be a way out of it . . .

“Have it your way,” Detective Black said as he rose, collecting the manila file. “The guilty always lawyer up fast.”

Matthew clamped his lips shut. The guy was just taunting him. A smart man would get a lawyer.

“Just so you know,” Detective Black added. “We’ve got warrants to search your home and your work office. We’re going to tear apart your life and all the dirty little secrets that you’ve been keeping. They will come out. They always do.”

“My lawyer,” Matthew gritted.

“I’ll make sure you get to call him.” The detective gave him a hard smile. “By the way . . . you didn’t even ask . . . How did Melissa die? I mean, aren’t you curious?”


“Seems like, if you were innocent, you would have asked that, right? But then . . . if you killed her, then I guess you already know . . . she choked to death on her own blood, and there wasn’t a damn thing we could do to save her.”

Matthew didn’t move. Melissa . . .

“I don’t like it when women die on my watch,” Detective Black said, jaw clenching. “So believe me when I say . . . I am going to fucking nail your ass to the wall on this one.”

Then the detective turned and strode out of the interrogation room.

The door shut behind him with a loud click, sealing Matthew inside once again. Slowly, he turned to look back at the one-­way mirror.

When he saw his reflection, Matthew hardly recognized the pale man with the desperate gaze who stared back at him.


WHEN VICTORIA OPENED her eyes again, Wade wasn’t there. Her hand reached out and she touched his pillow.

Still warm.

For a moment she didn’t move. Had she really bared her soul to him in the middle of the night? The nightmare had come too swiftly, and she’d been too tired to think clearly. She’d almost revealed too much.

If Wade learned the full truth about what she’d done, what would he do?

Sighing, she pushed herself up in bed. A glance at the bedside table showed her that he had brought her phone to her. Thoughtful. She probably should check in with LOST and see if Gabe had turned up any search hits on NamUs.

Just as she reached for the phone, it vibrated, telling her a text had just come through.

She lifted the phone up and stared at the text from Wade. When she saw the words there, it became very, very hard to breathe.

I know all your secrets. There won’t be any hiding.

He didn’t know them. Her fingers tapped on the screen. I shared too much last night. She’d been too open with him. More open than she’d ever been with anyone else in her life.

Her head lifted as she looked around. Was Wade in his room? Maybe she should just go talk to him, but—­

Her phone vibrated. Her gaze slid back to the screen so she could read the message. Before I’m done, you’ll share everything with me.

Victoria shook her head and started typing back a response. I can’t, I—­

Her bedroom door opened. Wade stood there. Startled, no, stunned, she sent that half-­written text.

Wade smiled at her. “Morning, baby.” He strolled toward her. His hair was wet. Fresh from the shower? And a towel curled around his hips.

Yes, yes, he’d been in the shower. Because his broad shoulders still gleamed with droplets of water.

He bent and kissed her. Victoria’s phone vibrated in her hand once more. Wade’s lips were gentle, so careful, against hers.

She pulled away from him, staring down at the screen of her phone in growing horror.

The message was short. Terrifying: You will. And I will own you, body and soul.

“Who’s texting you?” Wade asked her, voice rumbling. “Is it Gabe? Did he—­”

“It’s you.” Her cheeks felt cold. She was too cold. “You’ve been texting me.” She forced her gaze away from that text and back up to his face. I thought it was you.

A furrow appeared between his brows. “What?”

“You texted me.” Her hand slowly turned and she showed him the screen.

Fury came then, washing across Copyright 2016 - 2024