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trust each other.”

“Is that what we are? Partners?”

“On this case.”

She’d never had a partner before.

“But . . .” Wade continued, voice thoughtful. “I think you’re holding back on me. Keeping secrets.”

I am. The doors opened. She slanted a quick glance his way. “Maybe when you tell me your secrets,” Victoria said, “then I’ll share mine.” And she nearly ran from the elevator. “See you tomorrow.” She didn’t look back but could feel his gaze on her.

You’ll never know my secrets. Because she never let anyone get close enough to know them. That was one of her rules.

FOLLOWING YOUR PARTNER wasn’t standard procedure, not at LOST, not at any damn place. But at ten o’clock that night Wade found himself sticking to the shadows as he followed Victoria Palmer—­Dr. Victoria Palmer—­into one of the wildest clubs in Atlanta. Wild Jokers.

It wasn’t Victoria’s kind of place. He knew that. Hell, he’d bet his life on it. He’d been worried about her—­a nagging worry that wouldn’t leave him alone—­and found himself heading to her building.

He’d arrived just as she left and . . .

I followed her.

Because something had been different. Not just one thing. Her pants had been traded in for a short skirt. A form-­fitting top hugged her breasts. Her long, dark red hair wasn’t pulled back in a ponytail or in one of her usual long braids. Instead, her thick hair flowed loosely over her shoulders.

And her glasses—­the glasses that he always found sexy—­were gone.

She almost looked like another woman. She was sure acting like one, too.

She strode into the club as if she owned the place. The bouncer let her sweep right past the snaking line. Wade had to give the guy fifty bucks just so he could cut through and follow her.

And once inside . . . the music was pumping. Roaring. Bodies were pressed together in a giant blur on the dance floor. The drinks were flowing, voices were rising, and Wade was pretty sure people were having sex in the corners.

Having sex. Getting high. Doing anything they wanted.

This isn’t her place. Victoria didn’t belong in Wild Jokers.

She had started working for LOST right around the time he’d come aboard. She was smart—­crazy, wicked smart—­and the woman always seemed to be bubbling with energy. He’d noticed that she didn’t like to be still very much—­she was a mover, a thinker, a doer.

She was friendly at the office but she didn’t flirt. Not with him, not with any of the LOST staff. Just business, that was Victoria. Killer hot, just business Victoria.

She’d been putting up Keep Away signals from day one, so he’d stayed back.

Even if her body was wonderfully curved. Even if her gorgeous hair was sexy and thick. Even if he sometimes looked into her green eyes and almost forgot what he’d been about to say.

Just business.

Victoria Palmer was a beautiful woman, but one who tried to downplay her looks. A futile effort since there was no hiding her smooth skin, her high cheekbones, and her full, sensual lips.

Maybe he thought about her too much.

There’s no maybe about it.

Especially lately. Their last few cases had taken deadly turns, and he’d started to see her in a whole new light.

Just not this light.

This place . . . this scene . . .

Victoria sauntered up to the bar. She ordered a drink. When the martini glass with the bright green liquid was placed in front of her, she made quick work of downing the drink.

She must definitely be in the mood to let off some steam. And if that was her goal . . . I can help.

But some bozo had already moved in on her. A big blond guy with hands that immediately reached out and settled around Victoria’s waist.

Wade lunged forward. Victoria didn’t like to be touched. He knew that. He’d seen the way she shut down when someone touched her, so he made sure to keep his hands off and—­

She didn’t shove the guy away. She turned back to him. Smiled. And put her hand on his chest.

Wade froze.

Some asshole bumped into him, and he snarled at the guy. The music rose around him—­harder, sharper—­and Victoria was laughing as she stared up at the blond stranger.

What in the hell?

Wade shook his head. Victoria was out for a hookup. That much was obvious. And he was standing there, glaring at her. He needed to get his shit together. This was none of his business. They might be partners, but if she found out that he was there Copyright 2016 - 2024