Torn - Cynthia Eden Page 0,28

on this. Every moment counts. Every single one. If she were a missing kid, he would have been all over this case. But because she’s over eighteen . . . because we don’t have any proof that she didn’t go off on her own . . . he wants to wait. Wait.”

“Waiting is a huge mistake,” Wade said. “Action needs to be taken. You are right—­every single moment counts.”

Dace shook his head, his disgust obvious. “Sometimes, I get so sick of the bureaucracy here. My job is to save lives, not . . .”

“Collect the dead?” Victoria finished quietly. That’s my job.

Wade gave him a grim nod. “Don’t worry, Detective. I’m not done on this investigation.”

No, Victoria didn’t think he was. Now she understood a lot more about him. Every case . . . every time he searched for the missing, was it some kind of atonement for Amy? Because Wade hadn’t been able to save her, now he had to try and save everyone else?

She could have told him it was a mistake. There was no way to save the world. Some days you couldn’t even save yourself.


THE SUN WAS setting, and Vintage was already packed. A long line circled the entrance to the bar. Wade headed straight for the front doors, with Victoria at his side. They’d gone back to their B&B—­briefly—­after leaving the police station. He’d wanted to check in with Gabe and update him on the changing situation in Savannah.

And now they were back at Vintage to see the bouncer, Slater. Slumping on a stool out front, he had long red hair and arms like tree trunks, and as far as Wade was concerned, the fellow was looking at Victoria with way too much interest.

She still wore her glasses, perched lightly on the end of her nose. Giving her what Wade thought of as her smart and sexy look. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, tumbling with a bit of wave, and she wore jeans that hugged her awesome ass way too well.

The bouncer waved her closer. “Irish?” There was a note of hope in his voice.

Victoria looked a bit startled by the question. “My mother was. Yes.”

He smiled. “A beautiful Irish lass is always welcome in—­”

Wade cleared his throat. “Hi there, Slater.” An edge had entered his voice. Mostly because the steroid dick was flirting with Victoria while I am standing right here. “I’m not a beautiful Irish lass, but I have some questions for you.”

Slater winked at Victoria. She flushed. “She can come in Vintage anytime. You can’t.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Get the hell out.”

Asshole. “Yeah, I’m not going anywhere.”

The bouncer stood. Was that supposed to be impressive? He was an inch shorter than Wade. So what if he had hulk muscles? The bigger they are, the harder their asses will hit the ground. That was a lesson he’d learned long ago.

But before he could start teaching him how not to gawk at a pretty lady, Victoria jumped between them. “We’re looking for a woman who was here last night. She was seen around ten, but after that she seems to have vanished.” She offered her hand to Wade and mouthed, Give me the photo.

Jaw locking, he handed her his phone.

She held it up so Slater could see the image. “Her name’s Melissa Hastings. Your boss—­Luther—­said that you were working the door last night. Do you remember her?”

His eyes narrowed as he glanced down at the picture. “Actually . . . yeah, yeah, I do.”

Hope pulsed inside of Wade. “Did you see her leave?”

Slater cut him a quick glance. “She looked drunk off her ass. I was worried because she was stumbling, but her boyfriend said she was okay. That he was taking her home.”

Wade felt his muscles lock. “What did this boyfriend look like?”

“Didn’t get a real good look at him. Just saw her because she stumbled.” Two college-­aged boys tried to slide past Slater, but he put up a hand. “Get your skinny asses back. Not your turn inside.” Then he looked back at Victoria. “He had dark hair. I think.”

“You . . . think?” Wade murmured.

“Not a lot of lights out there.” Slater gestured behind him. “Maybe he had blond hair. Not like I could see that damn well.”

Wade locked his back teeth. “Anything you can tell us for certain?” he growled.

“Yeah, he was about your size.” He pointed to Wade. “I could see that well enough, even in the shadows. And he put her Copyright 2016 - 2024