Torn - Cynthia Eden Page 0,21

of this incident.”

The other man paled.

Way to deliver a threat, Dr. North. Victoria didn’t like that doc, and not just because he’d been staring at her so hard earlier. Something about him put her on edge, and she was desperately trying to remember . . . had they met? Surely she would have remembered him.


“Get your hands off me!” the blond man snarled. “I can take myself out of here!” He jerked free of the campus cops. “You guys are useless! I went to you earlier, and you did nothing! Melissa didn’t come home! Why the hell am I the only one worried about that?”

He marched for the door, but before he could leave, Wade locked a hand on his shoulder. “I’m worried. My partner and I . . .” He glanced swiftly at Victoria. “We want to hear your story. So how about we leave campus, and you can tell us just what is happening?”

The kid’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “Who the hell are you, man? And why would any of this matter to you?”

Wade pulled a card from his wallet. “Because my job is to find the missing.”

Only they didn’t normally handle a case as recent as this one. The girl had only been gone a few hours. Some law enforcement personnel wouldn’t even characterize Melissa’s disappearance as an official missing person’s case yet, especially not if there was no sign of foul play.

But Wade was leading the now stunned-­looking fellow from the office, so she turned to follow him.


That was Dr. North’s cry. And he’d closed in on her.

He still held tissues to his nose, but his eyes were on her. “We have met.”

She shook her head.

“Your father . . .” he said. “I remember now. I was a grad student, sitting in on his trial . . .”

A dull ringing filled her ears.

“Obsession can be a dangerous thing.”

Her shoulders straightened. “Your nose is broken. You should take care of that.” And leave me the hell alone.

Without another word, she turned and hurried from his office. The campus guards stood a bit awkwardly near the door, apparently not sure what they were supposed to do now. With the doctor not pressing charges, there wasn’t much they could do. Especially since the attacker was willingly leaving the scene.

She quickened her stride to catch up with Wade. He glanced over at her, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Had he heard Dr. North’s words?

It wasn’t as if her father was a big secret. Most people knew about him. They knew he’d been charged with her mother’s death. They knew he’d been found innocent.

Then he’d died.

Simple facts. Cold.

And far, far from the real truth of the matter.

The sun felt warm on her skin when they finally cleared the ivory walls of Worthington University. There was a big park right across the street from the school, and Wade headed straight there. He pushed the blond man onto a beach and barked, “Your name. Now.”

Instead of giving his name, the guy ran a shaking hand through his hair. “I punched the professor.”

Yes, he had.

“Oh, jeez, I am in so much trouble.” He hunched forward.

“The professor didn’t press charges, so you’re fine.” No sympathy softened Wade’s voice. “Now, your name.” An order.

Victoria glanced back toward Worthington. She could just see the side of the Life Sciences building. Actually, it was Dr. North’s window that she noticed on the second floor. Was he watching them?

And still bleeding?

“M-­My name’s Jim Porter.” Jim huffed out a breath. “And I just . . . I swear I just lost it when no one would listen to me about Melissa. But I know something is wrong. I know it.”

Victoria eased onto the bench next to Jim. She made sure not to touch him. She bit her lip and tried to figure out what to say. What would Sarah say? “How do you know for certain? Maybe she just hooked up with someone last night.”

Jim’s head whipped up and snapped toward her. His dark brown eyes locked on her.

Crap. I did it again. Said the wrong thing.

“She wasn’t looking for a hookup,” he gritted out. “We were hanging out, dancing with friends. I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was just gone.”

Right. Gone. Which means that she could have found a guy and left with him. Or maybe she’d connected with other friends and gone to check out another bar.

Lots of possibilities. Doesn’t mean something bad happened.


“She didn’t answer her phone. She didn’t call all night.” Copyright 2016 - 2024